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Physics Library Encyclopedia
(browse by subject)
- 1 entry
1 - 5 entries
2 - 14 entries
3 - 4 entries
4 - 5 entries
A - 177 entries
B - 105 entries
C - 340 entries
D - 124 entries
E - 138 entries
F - 133 entries
G - 156 entries
g~ (in notations of fundamental concepts in physics) owned by bci1
G~ (in notations of fundamental concepts in physics) owned by bci1
Galileo's gravitational accelelration experiments (in Towers and Galileo) owned by bci1
gamma function owned by bloftin
gauge bosons (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
gauge bosons owned by bci1
gauge bosons (in High energy physics) owned by bci1
gauge group (in gauge bosons) owned by bci1
gauhe fields (in Axioms of Physics) owned by bci1
gauhe fields (in Fundamental physical concepts) owned by bci1
Gaussian Co-Ordinates owned by bloftin
Gaussian distribution (in probability distribution functions in physics) owned by bci1
Gaussian lineshape (in probability distribution functions in physics) owned by bci1
Gauss's Law owned by Saketh
GC (in geometrization conjecture and theorem) owned by bci1
GC-GR (in developments of relativity theories) owned by bci1
Geiger's Method owned by aerringt
Gelfand-Tornheim theorem (=Gelfand--Tornheim theorem) owned by pahio
Gelfand--Tornheim theorem owned by pahio
Gelfand triple (=rigged Hilbert space) owned by bci1
gene biogroupoid (in gene nets: physical and mathematical models) owned by bci1
gene net (in gene nets: physical and mathematical models) owned by bci1
gene net digraph (in gene nets: physical and mathematical models) owned by bci1
gene nets: physical and mathematical models owned by bci1
gene network topology (in gene nets: physical and mathematical models) owned by bci1
general definition owned by bci1
general dynamic system (in general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
general dynamic systems owned by bci1
General Introduction owned by bloftin
generalities on quantum field theory owned by bloftin
generalized coordinates (in Functorial Algebraic Geometry and Physics) owned by bci1
generalized coordinates for constrained motion owned by bloftin
example of generalized coordinates for constrained motion on a horizontal circle owned by bloftin
generalized coordinates for free motion owned by bloftin
generalized double algebras (=supersymmetry) owned by bci1
generalized double algebras (in supersymmetry) owned by bci1
generalized Fourier and measured groupoid transforms owned by bci1
generalized Fourier transform owned by bci1
generalized Hurewicz fundamental theorem owned by bci1
generalized position vector (in Functorial Algebraic Geometry and Physics) owned by bci1
generalized quantum topoi (in quantum categories) owned by bci1
generalized quantum topos (in quantum logic topoi) owned by bci1
generalized superalgebras (in superalgebroids in higher dimensions) owned by bci1
generalized topoi with LMn algebraic logic classifiers owned by bci1
generalized toposes (in generalized toposes with many-valued logic subobject classifiers) owned by bci1
generalized toposes with many-valued logic subobject classifiers owned by bci1
generalized Van Kampen theorems (in generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional) owned by bci1
generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional owned by bci1
general $(M,R)$--system (in category of $(M,R)$ -systems) owned by bci1
general quantization procedure (in Wigner--Weyl--Moyal quantization procedures) owned by bci1
general relativity (=category of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds) owned by bci1
General Relativiy field equations (in Einstein's GR field equations) owned by bci1
General Results of the Theory owned by bloftin
general theory (in analytics and formal logics- metatheories) owned by bci1
generator owned by bci1
genericity in open systems (in general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
generic submanifold (in tangential Cauchy-Riemann complexes) owned by bci1
generic systems (in general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
gene structure (=Bessel functions: applications to diffraction by helical structures) owned by bci1
genetic network (in gene nets: physical and mathematical models) owned by bci1
genetic networks (=gene nets: physical and mathematical models) owned by bci1
geodesic owned by bci1
geodesic equation (in geodesic) owned by bci1
geodynamo theory (in Walter Elsasser) owned by bci1
geometrically defined double groupoid with connection owned by bci1
geometrically thin square (in geometrically defined double groupoid with connection) owned by bci1
geometric dualities (in duality and triality) owned by bci1
geometrization conjecture and theorem owned by bci1
geometry of state spaces (in Observables and States) owned by rspuzio
George Karreman owned by bci1
George Palade owned by bci1
George Pólya owned by bci1
glass (in Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries) owned by bci1
glassiness (in Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries) owned by bci1
glass-transition (in Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries) owned by bci1
globally smooth structure (in Lie algebras) owned by bci1
glomerular capillary wall (in George Palade) owned by bci1
glomerular permeability (in George Palade) owned by bci1
gluon (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
gluon color (in notations of fundamental concepts in physics) owned by bci1
gluon flux (in quantum chromodynamics (QCD)) owned by bci1
gluons (in quantum chromodynamics (QCD)) owned by bci1
quarks and QCD gluons owned by bci1
Goldstone boson (=Higgs boson simulation) owned by bci1
Goldstone bosons (in Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries) owned by bci1
Goldstone theorem (in Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries) owned by bci1
G-quadruplex (in mathematical biology and theoretical biophysics) owned by bci1
GR (in category of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds) owned by bci1
graded algebra (in superspace and supergravity) owned by bci1
graded Lie superalgebra (in quantum symmetry) owned by bci1
gradient owned by bloftin
gradient magnetic field (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
gradient operator (=gradient) owned by bloftin
graph (in category) owned by bci1
graph (in relation theory) owned by Jon Awbrey
graph coloring (in four-color theorem) owned by bci1
Grassmann-Hopf algebras and coalgebras\gebras owned by bci1
Grassmann-Hopf algebroid categories and Grassmann categories owned by bci1
gravitational lensing (in Fermat's principle) owned by bci1
gravitational mass (in mass) owned by pbruin
graviton (in gauge bosons) owned by bci1
GRE Physics study guide owned by bloftin
GR field equations (in Einstein's GR field equations) owned by bci1
Gromov distance (in Mikhail Gromov) owned by bci1
Gromov product (in Mikhail Gromov) owned by bci1
Grothendieck category owned by bci1
Grothendieck's ``Esquisse d'un Programme'' owned by bci1
Grothendieck's publications owned by bci1
Grothendieck's theorem owned by bci1
Grothendieck supervised doctoral theses owned by bci1
Grothendieck topos (=topos axioms) owned by bci1
Grothendieck topos (in topos axioms) owned by bci1
group (in category theory) owned by bci1
group of integers ($\mathcal{Z}$) (in Baum-Connes conjecture) owned by bci1
groupoid (in quantum operator algebras) owned by bci1
groupoid (in locally compact groupoid) owned by bci1
groupoid (in Quantum operator algebras in QFT) owned by bci1
groupoid (in C*-algebra) owned by bci1
groupoid owned by bci1
groupoid *-algebra representation (in quantum symmetries from group and groupoid representations) owned by bci1
groupoid and group representations owned by bci1
groupoid C*-algebra (in compact quantum groupoids) owned by bci1
groupoid categories owned by bci1
groupoid category (in categories of groupoids) owned by bci1
groupoid category (=categories of groupoids) owned by bci1
groupoid category (in groupoid categories) owned by bci1
groupoid category (=category of groupoids) owned by bci1
groupoid C*-convolution algebra owned by bci1
groupoid C*-dynamical system owned by bci1
groupoid C*-dynamic system (=groupoid C*-dynamical system) owned by bci1
groupoid C* dynamic system (in similarity and analogous systems: dynamic adjointness and topological equivalence) owned by bci1
groupoid functors (=groupoid homomorphism) owned by bci1
groupoid homomorphism owned by bci1
groupoid homomorphism (in groupoid) owned by bci1
`groupoidification' (=category of H *-algebras) owned by bci1
`groupoidification' (=H *-algebra) owned by bci1
groupoidification (in category) owned by bci1
groupoid representation (in quantum symmetries from group and groupoid representations) owned by bci1
groupoid representation induced by measure (in representations of groupoids induced by measure) owned by bci1
groupoid representation induced by measure (in groupoid representations induced by measure) owned by bci1
groupoid representations (in symmetry and groupoid representations in functional biology) owned by bci1
groupoid representations (in groupoid and group representations) owned by bci1
groupoid representations (=groupoid and group representations) owned by bci1
groupoid representations induced by measure owned by bci1
groupoid representations in functional biology (=symmetry and groupoid representations in functional biology) owned by bci1
groupoid representation theorem owned by bci1
groupoid spatial component (in category theory) owned by bci1
groupoids topic owned by bci1
groupoid symmetries (in topic on groupoid symmetries and duality) owned by bci1
group representation (in quantum symmetries from group and groupoid representations) owned by bci1
group representations (in groupoid and group representations) owned by bci1
growth of exponential function owned by pahio
G-space (=topological G-space) owned by bci1
GvKT (in generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional) owned by bci1
GW plasma heating devices (in plasma) owned by bci1
gyromagnetic ratio (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
H - 153 entries
I - 80 entries
J - 24 entries
K - 23 entries
L - 112 entries
M - 196 entries
N - 172 entries
O - 47 entries
P - 129 entries
Q - 229 entries
R - 113 entries
S - 275 entries
T - 176 entries
U - 41 entries
V - 65 entries
W - 42 entries
X - 9 entries
Y - 9 entries
Z - 10 entries
850 entries total.
2753 concepts total.

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