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GRE Physics study guide (Topic)

This article is aimed at helping students prepare for the GRE Phyics subject test. It will contain helpful hints and tips along with a jumping off spot for exploring the subjcects that will be on the test. please contribute your own ideas with the forum or through corrections/addendum.

Since 1997, the percentage of allocated test questions does not appear to have changed and is given in the below table.

Classical mechanics 20%
Electromagnetism 18%
Optics and wave phenomena 9%
Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics 10%
quantum mechanics 12%
Atomic Physics 10%
special relativity 6%
Laboratory Methods 6%
Spceialized Topics 9%

Classical Mechanics

- Newton's laws of motion
- friction
- collisions
- Oscillations
- Uniform Circular motion


- example constant acceleration and speed of sound
- 1D example of the relation between force and potential energy


- Circuits
- Induction
- Electric Field
- Electric Potential

Optics and Wave Phenomena

Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics

- Specific heat
- conduction
- Heat and work
- Mean Free Path

Quantum Mechanics

Atomic Physics

- The Bohr Model
- atomic spectra
- Zeeman effect

Special Relativity

Laboratory Methods

Spceialized Topics

"GRE Physics study guide" is owned by bloftin.

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See Also: overview of the content of PlanetPhysics

Cross-references: Zeeman effect, atomic spectra, work, conduction, heat, Electric Field, 1D example of the relation between force and potential energy, example constant acceleration and speed of sound, motion, collisions, friction, Newton's laws of motion, special relativity, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, Thermodynamics, wave phenomena, Electromagnetism, classical mechanics
There is 1 reference to this object.

This is version 8 of GRE Physics study guide, born on 2006-02-12, modified 2007-08-12.
Object id is 116, canonical name is GREPhysicsStudyGuide.
Accessed 2864 times total.

Physics Classification01.50.-i (Educational aids)

Pending Errata and Addenda
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