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Grothendieck supervised doctoral theses (Topic)

Doctoral theses supervised by Alexander Grothendieck

(original list is in French)

An incomplete list of doctoral theses directed by A. Grothendieck

  1. Schemes of reductive groups, by M. Demazure [1] Schémas en groupes réductifs; short version of the thesis by M. Demazure, published in Bull. SMF. Mém 93 (1965), 369-413. (Demazure's thesis is published “in totto” in SGA 3.
  2. Derived categories in $l$-adic cohomology. [2] Catégories dérivées en cohomologie l'-adique, (1969), thesis of J.-P. Jouanolou.
  3. Ample sheaves over group schemes and homogeneous spaces, thesis of Michel Raynaud, published in Springer Lecture Notes 119 (1970). [3] Faisceaux amples sur les schémas en groupes et espaces homogénes; thesis of Michel Raynaud.
  4. Lefschetz theorems in coherent cohomology nad etale cohomology; [4] Thèorémes de Lefschetz en cohomologie cohérente et en cohomologie étale; thesis of Michéle Raynaud, Bull. SMF Mém. 41 (1976).
  5. Complexe cotangent et déformations, Springer Lecture Notes 239 (1971); thesis of Luc Illusie.
  6. (On) Tannakian Categories, Thesis by Saavedra Rivano, published in Springer Lecture Notes, 265 (1972). [6] Catégories Tannakiennes, Springer Lecture Notes 265 (1972); thesis of Saavedra Rivano.
  7. non-Abelian Cohomology, Thesis by J. Giraud. [7] Cohomologie non abélienne, Grundlehren Math. Wiss. 179 (1972), Springer; thesis of J. Giraud.
  8. Ring topos and relative schemes, Thesis by Monique Hakim. [8] Topos annelés et schémas relatifs, Ergebnisse Math. GR. 64 (1972), Springer; thesis of Monique Hakim.
  9. Cohomologie cristalline, Springer Lecture Notes 407 (1974); thesis of Pierre Berthelot.
  10. Derived Categories and Abelian Categories, Thesis by Jean-Louis Verdier., [10] Des catégories dérivées des catégories abéliennes; thesis of Jean-Louis Verdier, later published in Astérisque 239 (1996), SMF (G. Maltsiniotis, ed.)
  11. Grothendieck Categories, Thesis of Hong Suan Xsin. [11] Gr-Categories; thesis of Hong Suan Xsin.
  12. Isotopic study of embeddings of a topological $1$-complex into a complex surface; thesis of Yves Ladegaillerie, short version published in Topology 23 no. 3(1984), 303-311.
  13. Jacobiennes généralisées globales relatives; thesis of Carlos Contou-Carrére, short version published in the Grothendieck Festschrift, vol. II (1990).

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Keywords:  theses supervised by A. Grothendieck

Cross-references: topological, GR, topos, non-Abelian, theorems, categories, SGA, groups

This is version 4 of Grothendieck supervised doctoral theses, born on 2009-02-04, modified 2009-02-24.
Object id is 484, canonical name is DoctoralThesesSupervisedByAGrothendieck.
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