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index of algebraic geometry
This is a contributed entry in progress
Algebraic Geometry (AG), and non-commutative geometry/. On the other hand, there are also close ties between algebraic geometry and number theory.
- Birational geometry, Dedekind domains and Riemann-Roch theorem
- Homology and cohomology theories
- Algebraic groups: Lie groups, matrix group schemes,group machines, linear groups, generalizing Lie groups, representation theory
- Abelian varieties
- Arithmetic algebraic geometry
- duality
- category theory applications in algebraic geometry
- indexes of category, functors and natural transformations
- Grothendieck's Descent theory
- `Anabelian geometry'
- Categorical Galois theory
- higher dimensional algebra (HDA)
- Quantum Algebraic Topology (QAT)
- Quantum Geometry
- computer algebra systems; an example is: explicit projective resolutions for finitely-generated modules over suitable rings
Cohomology is an essential theory in the study of complex manifolds. computations in cohomology studies of complex manifolds in algebraic geometry utilize similar computations to those of cohomology theory in algebraic topology: spectral sequences, excision, the Mayer-Vietoris sequence, etc.
- cohomology groups are defined and then cohomology functors associate Abelian groups to sheaves on a scheme; one may view such Abelian groups them as cohomology with coefficients in a scheme.
- Cohomology functors
- fundamental cohomology theorems
- A basic type of cohomology for schemes is the sheaf cohomology
- Whitehead groups, torsion and towers
- xyz
- SGA1
- SGA2
- SGA3
- SGA4
- SGA5
- SGA6
- SGA7
- new1x
- new2y
- new3z
- Cohomology group
- Cohomology sequence
- DeRham cohomology
- new4
- homology group
- Homology sequence
- Homology complex
- new4
- Tanaka-Krein duality
- Grothendieck duality
- categorical duality
- tangled duality
- DA5
- DA6
- DA7
- abelian categories
- topological category
- fundamental groupoid functor
- Categorical Galois theory
- non-Abelian algebraic topology
- Group category
- groupoid category
- topos and topoi axioms
- generalized toposes
- Categorical logic and algebraic topology
- meta-theorems
- Duality between spaces and algebras
The following is a listing of categories relevant to algebraic topology:
- Algebraic categories
- Topological category
- Category of sets, Set
- Category of topological spaces
- category of Riemannian manifolds
- Category of CW-complexes
- Category of Hausdorff spaces
- category of Borel spaces
- Category of CR-complexes
- Category of graphs
- Category of spin networks
- Category of groups
- Galois category
- Category of fundamental groups
- Category of Polish groups
- Groupoid category
- category of groupoids (or groupoid category)
- category of Borel groupoids
- Category of fundamental groupoids
- Category of functors (or functor category)
- double groupoid category
- double category
- category of Hilbert spaces
- category of quantum automata
- R-category
- Category of algebroids
- Category of double algebroids
- Category of dynamical systems
The following is a contributed listing of functors:
- Covariant functors
- Contravariant functors
- adjoint functors
- preadditive functors
- Additive functor
- representable functors
- Fundamental groupoid functor
- Forgetful functors
- Grothendieck group functor
- Exact functor
- Multi-functor
- section functors
- NT2
- NT3
The following is a contributed listing of natural transformations:
- Natural equivalence
- Natural transformations in a 2-category
- NT3
- NT1
- Esquisse d'un Programme
- Pursuing Stacks
- S2
- S3
- D1
- D2
- D3
- Categorical groups and supergroup algebras
- Double groupoid varieties
- Double algebroids
- Bi-algebroids
- super-category
- weak n-categories of algebraic varieties
- Bi-dimensional Algebraic Geometry
- Anabelian Geometry
- Noncommutative geometry
- Higher-homology/cohomology theories
- H1
- H2
- H3
- H4
- A1
- A2
- A3
- A1
- A2
- A3
(a). Quantum algebraic topology is described as the mathematical and physical study of general theories of quantum algebraic structures from the standpoint of algebraic topology, category theory and their non-Abelian extensions in higher dimensional algebra and supercategories
- quantum operator algebras (such as: involution, *-algebras, or
-algebras, von Neumann algebras, , JB- and JL- algebras, - or C*- algebras,
- Quantum von Neumann algebra and subfactors; Jone's towers and subfactors
- Kac-Moody and K-algebras
- categorical groups
- Hopf algebras, quantum Groups and quantum group algebras
- quantum groupoids and weak Hopf
- groupoid C*-convolution algebras and *-convolution algebroids
- quantum spacetimes and quantum fundamental groupoids
- Quantum double Algebras
- quantum gravity, supersymmetries, supergravity, superalgebras and graded `Lie' algebras
- Quantum categorical algebra and higher–dimensional,
- Toposes
- Quantum R-categories, R-supercategories and spontaneous symmetry breaking
- Non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology (NA-QAT): closely related to NAAT and HDA.
- Quantum Geometry overview
- Quantum non-commutative geometry
- new1x
- new2y
- new1x
- new2y
Bibliography on Category theory, AT and QAT
- A Textbook1
- A Textbook2
- A Textbook3
- A Textbook4
- A Textbook5
- A Textbook6
- A Textbook7
- A Textbook8
- A Textbook9
- A Textbook10
- A Textbook11
- A Textbook12
- A Textbook13
- new1x
- 1
- Alexander Grothendieck and J. Dieudonné.: 1960, Eléments de geometrie algébrique., Publ. Inst. des Hautes Etudes de Science, 4.
- 2
- Alexander Grothendieck. Séminaires en Géometrie Algèbrique- 4, Tome 1, Exposé 1 (or the Appendix to Exposée 1, by `N. Bourbaki' for more detail and a large number of results. AG4 is freely available in French; also available here is an extensive Abstract in English.
- 3
- Alexander Grothendieck. 1962. Séminaires en Géométrie Algébrique du Bois-Marie, Vol. 2 - Cohomologie Locale des Faisceaux Cohèrents et Théorèmes de Lefschetz Locaux et Globaux. , pp.287. (with an additional contributed exposé by Mme. Michele Raynaud)., Typewritten manuscript available in French; see also a brief summary in English . Available for free downloads at on the web.
- 4
- Alexander Grothendieck, 1984. “Esquisse d'un Programme”, (1984 manuscript), finally published in “Geometric Galois Actions”, L. Schneps, P. Lochak, eds., London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes 242, Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp.5-48; English transl., ibid., pp. 243-283. MR 99c:14034 .
- 5
- Qing Liu.2002. Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves, Oxford Graduate Texts in Mathematics 6, 2002. 300 pages on schemes followed by geometry and arithmetic surfaces. (Serre duality is approached via Grothendieck duality).
- 6
- Igor Shafarevich, Basic Algebraic Geometry Vols. 1 and 2; Vol.2: Schemes and Complex Manifolds., Second Revised and Expanded Edition. Springer-Verlag; scheme theory, varieties as schemes, varieties and schemes over the complex numbers, and complex manifolds.
- 7
- James Milne, Elliptic Curves, online course notes. Available at his website.
- 8
- Joseph H. Silverman, The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1986.
- 9
- Joseph H. Silverman, Advanced Topics in the Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1994.
- 10
- Goro Shimura, Introduction to the Arithmetic Theory of Automorphic Functions. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1971.
- 11
- David Mumford, Abelian Varieties, Oxford University Press, London, 1970. This book is a canonical reference on the subject. “It is written in the language of modern algebraic geometry, and provides a thorough grounding in the theory of abelian varieties.”
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"index of algebraic geometry" is owned by bci1.
Other names: |
algebraic geometry index |
Also defines: |
algebraic geometry index, SGA1, SGA2, SGA3, SGA4, SGA5, SGA6, SGA7, SGA |
Keywords: |
index of algebraic geometry, related: algebraic topology index |
Cross-references: Non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology, spontaneous symmetry breaking, R-supercategories, categorical algebra, Lie algebras, superalgebras, supergravity, supersymmetries, quantum gravity, quantum fundamental groupoids, quantum spacetimes, groupoid C*-convolution algebras, quantum groupoids, quantum group, Hopf algebras, von Neumann algebras, quantum operator algebras, supercategories, non-Abelian, category theory, algebraic structures, general theories, n-categories, super-category, supergroup, 2-category, section functors, representable functors, preadditive functors, adjoint functors, dynamical systems, double algebroids, algebroids, R-category, category of quantum automata, category of Hilbert spaces, double category, double groupoid, functor category, fundamental groupoids, category of Borel groupoids, category of groupoids, Polish groups, fundamental groups, spin networks, graphs, category of Borel spaces, category of Riemannian manifolds, meta-theorems, generalized toposes, topos, groupoid category, non-Abelian algebraic topology, fundamental groupoid functor, category, topological, abelian categories, tangled duality, categorical duality, homology group, type, fundamental cohomology theorems, Abelian groups, cohomology groups, algebraic topology, computations, manifolds, modules, systems, computer, QAT, Quantum Algebraic Topology, HDA, higher dimensional algebra, natural transformations, functors, indexes of category, category theory applications, duality, representation, matrix, Lie groups, groups, cohomology theories, theorem, domains, algebraic, non-commutative geometry
There are 3 references to this object.
This is version 10 of index of algebraic geometry, born on 2009-05-02, modified 2009-05-10.
Object id is 722, canonical name is IndexOfAlgebraicGeometry.
Accessed 1998 times total.
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