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Hamiltonian algebroid (Definition)


Hamiltonian algebroids are generalizations of the Lie algebras of canonical transformations.
Definition 0.1   Let $X$ and $Y$ be two vector fields on a smooth manifold $M$, represented here as operators acting on functions. Their commutator, or Lie bracket, $L$, is :
$\displaystyle [X,Y](f)=X(Y(f))-Y(X(f)).$    

Moreover, consider the classical configuration space $Q = \mathbb{R}^3$ of a classical, mechanical system, or particle whose phase space is the cotangent bundle $T^* \mathbb{R}^3 \cong \mathbb{R}^6$, for which the space of (classical) observables is taken to be the real vector space of smooth functions on $M$, and with T being an element of a Jordan-Lie (Poisson) algebra whose definition is also recalled next. Thus, one defines as in classical dynamics the Poisson algebra as a Jordan algebra in which $\circ$ is associative. We recall that one needs to consider first a specific algebra (defined as a vector space $E$ over a ground field (typically $\mathbb{R}$ or $\mathbb{C}$)) equipped with a bilinear and distributive multiplication $\circ$ . Then one defines a Jordan algebra (over $\mathbb{R}$), as a a specific algebra over $\mathbb{R}$ for which:

$\begin{aligned}S \circ T &= T \circ S~, \\ S \circ (T \circ S^2) &= (S \circ T) \circ S^2 , \end{aligned},$

for all elements $S, T$ of this algebra.

Then, the usual algebraic types of morphisms automorphism, isomorphism, etc.) apply to a Jordan-Lie (Poisson) algebra defined as a real vector space $\mathfrak{A}_{\mathbb{R}}$ together with a Jordan product $\circ$ and Poisson bracket

$\{~,~\}$, satisfying :

1.  for all $S, T \in \mathfrak{A}_{\mathbb{R}},$

\begin{equation*}\begin{aligned}S \circ T &= T \circ S \\ \{S, T \} &= - \{T, S\} \end{aligned}\end{equation*}

2.  the Leibniz rule holds

$\{S, T \circ W \} = \{S, T\} \circ W + T \circ \{S, W\}$ for all $S, T, W \in \mathfrak{A}_{\mathbb{R}}$, along with


the Jacobi identity :

$\displaystyle \{S, \{T, W \}\} = \{\{S,T \}, W\} + \{T, \{S, W \}\}$

for some $\hslash^2 \in \mathbb{R}$, there is the associator identity :

$\displaystyle (S \circ T) \circ W - S \circ (T \circ W) = \frac{1}{4} \hslash^2 \{\{S, W \}, T \}~.$

Thus, the canonical transformations of the Poisson sigma model phase space specified by the Jordan-Lie (Poisson) algebra (also Poisson algebra), which is determined by both the Poisson bracket and the Jordan product $\circ$, define a Hamiltonian algebroid with the Lie brackets $L$ related to such a Poisson structure on the target space.

"Hamiltonian algebroid" is owned by bci1.

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See Also: quantum Hamiltonian operator

Also defines:  algebroids
Keywords:  Hamiltonian algebroids

Cross-references: identity, isomorphism, morphisms, types, algebraic, field, Poisson algebra, dynamics, vector space, observables, system, commutator, functions, operators, manifold, vector fields, Lie algebras
There are 26 references to this object.

This is version 9 of Hamiltonian algebroid, born on 2008-12-16, modified 2009-02-01.
Object id is 333, canonical name is HamiltonianAlgebroid2.
Accessed 1014 times total.

Physics Classification03. (Quantum mechanics, field theories, and special relativity )
 03.65.Fd (Algebraic methods )

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