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Physics Library Encyclopedia
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- 1 entry
1 - 5 entries
2 - 14 entries
3 - 4 entries
4 - 5 entries
A - 177 entries
B - 105 entries
C - 340 entries
D - 124 entries
d'Alembert and D. Bernoulli solutions of wave equation owned by pahio
D'Alembertian owned by invisiblerhino
D'Alembert operator (=D'Alembertian) owned by invisiblerhino
Dalton's law owned by pahio
dark matter (in plasma) owned by bci1
Davisson--Germer and Thomson experiments (in Walter Elsasser) owned by bci1
deformation (in deformation quantization) owned by bci1
deformation quantization owned by bci1
deformed Riemannian geometry (in quantum Riemannian geometry) owned by bci1
delocalized quantum states (in Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries) owned by bci1
\delta~ (in automaton) owned by bci1
\DeltaG (in notations of fundamental concepts in physics) owned by bci1
dense subcategory (in category of additive fractions) owned by bci1
density matrix owned by bloftin
derivatives of Euler angles (=Euler angle velocity of 123 Sequence) owned by bloftin
detection (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
detection sensitivity (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
detects (in Table of categories and functor properties) owned by bci1
determinant owned by bloftin
determination of Fourier coefficients owned by pahio
developments of relativity theories owned by bci1
DG (in index of differential geometry) owned by bci1
diagram (in commutative square diagram) owned by bci1
diagram of spaces (in algebraic topology) owned by bci1
diagrams (in category theory) owned by bci1
diamagnetic susceptibility (in magnetic susceptibility) owned by bci1
dielectric constant (in notations of fundamental concepts in physics) owned by bci1
dielectric constant (in notations of fundamental concepts in physics) owned by bci1
difference between mass and weight owned by bloftin
differential basis (in differential propositional calculus) owned by Jon Awbrey
differential equation of a family of curves owned by bloftin
differential equation of the family of parabolas owned by bloftin
differential equations owned by bloftin
differential extension (in differential propositional calculus) owned by Jon Awbrey
differential extension of propositional calculus (=differential propositional calculus) owned by Jon Awbrey
differential feature (in differential propositional calculus) owned by Jon Awbrey
Differential Geometry owned by rspuzio
differential inference (in differential propositional calculus) owned by Jon Awbrey
differential logic owned by Jon Awbrey
differential proposition (in differential propositional calculus) owned by Jon Awbrey
differential propositional calculus owned by Jon Awbrey
differential propositional calculus : appendix 1 owned by Jon Awbrey
differential propositional calculus : appendix 2 owned by Jon Awbrey
differential propositional calculus : appendix 3 owned by Jon Awbrey
differential propositional calculus : appendix 4 owned by Jon Awbrey
differential quality (in differential propositional calculus) owned by Jon Awbrey
differential variable (in differential propositional calculus) owned by Jon Awbrey
dihedral angle owned by pahio
Dirac equation owned by invisiblerhino
Dirac notation (in Dirac notations-delta and observable algebras) owned by bci1
Dirac notations-delta and observable algebras owned by bci1
Dirac's delta distribution owned by bci1
Dirac's delta Laplace transform (in Laplace transform of Dirac's delta distribution) owned by bci1
direction cosine matrix owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to axis angle of rotation owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to Euler 121 angles owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to Euler 123 angles owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to Euler 131 angles owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to Euler 132 angles owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to Euler 212 angles owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to Euler 213 angles owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to Euler 231 angles owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to Euler 232 angles owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to Euler 312 angles owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to Euler 313 angles owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to Euler 321 angles owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to Euler 323 angles owned by bloftin
direction cosine matrix to quaternions owned by bloftin
direction cosines owned by bloftin
discrete probability distribution function (in probability distribution functions in physics) owned by bci1
distance modulus (in stellar magnitude) owned by bloftin
distribution of $X$ on $I$ (in probability distribution functions in physics) owned by bci1
divergence owned by bloftin
divergence of a vector field (=divergence) owned by bloftin
DNA (in DNA molecular models) owned by bci1
DNA double-helix (in Bessel functions: applications to diffraction by helical structures) owned by bci1
DNA molecular models owned by bci1
D(O) (in canonical commutation and anti-commutation relations: their representations) owned by bci1
dom (in category) owned by bci1
domain (in relation theory) owned by Jon Awbrey
dot product owned by bloftin
dot product examples owned by bloftin
double algebroid (in superalgebroids in higher dimensions) owned by bci1
double algebroid representations (in algebraic categories and representations of classes of algebras) owned by bci1
double category owned by bci1
double cross-polarization (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
double groupoid (in homotopy double groupoid of a Hausdorff space) owned by bci1
double groupoid (=homotopy double groupoid of a Hausdorff space) owned by bci1
double groupoid (in weak homotopy double groupoid) owned by bci1
double groupoid geometry owned by bci1
double groupoid representations (in algebraic categories and representations of classes of algebras) owned by bci1
double groupoid with connection owned by bci1
double groupoid with connection (in geometrically defined double groupoid with connection) owned by bci1
double-helical DNA structure (in Bessel functions and diffraction by helical structures) owned by pahio
double quantum algebroid (in algebroid structures and extended symmetries) owned by bci1
D(P_j P_k) (in canonical commutation and anti-commutation relations: their representations) owned by bci1
dpdf (in probability distribution functions in physics) owned by bci1
drag force (in ballistics (2D)) owned by vip6
drag on a penny (=penny falling from Empire State Building) owned by bloftin
Drinfel'd module (in Yetter-Drinfel'd module) owned by bci1
dual code (in duality and triality) owned by bci1
dual coding (in duality and triality) owned by bci1
duality (in duality and triality) owned by bci1
duality (in topic on groupoid symmetries and duality) owned by bci1
duality (in category theory) owned by bci1
duality and triality owned by bci1
duality in algebraic gemoetry (in duality and triality) owned by bci1
duality in mathematics owned by bci1
duality principle (in duality and triality) owned by bci1
duality theory (in duality and triality) owned by bci1
dual labels (in Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS)) owned by bci1
dual numbers (in duality and triality) owned by bci1
dual of R-groupoid or ringoid (=R-algebroid) owned by bci1
dual space (in duality and triality) owned by bci1
dynamic adjointness (in similarity and analogous systems: dynamic adjointness and topological equivalence) owned by bci1
dynamical system (in groupoid C*-dynamical system) owned by bci1
dynamic diagram (in general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
dynamic modeling diagram (in non-commutative dynamic modeling diagrams) owned by bci1
dynamic modeling diagrams (in similarity and analogous systems: dynamic adjointness and topological equivalence) owned by bci1
dynamics (in Mathematical structure of physical theories) owned by bci1
dynamic self-maintenance and homeostasis (in general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
dynamic supercategory (in variable category) owned by bci1
dynamic system (=general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
dynamic transition functor (in general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
E - 138 entries
F - 133 entries
G - 156 entries
H - 153 entries
I - 80 entries
J - 24 entries
K - 23 entries
L - 112 entries
M - 196 entries
N - 172 entries
O - 47 entries
P - 129 entries
Q - 229 entries
R - 113 entries
S - 275 entries
T - 176 entries
U - 41 entries
V - 65 entries
W - 42 entries
X - 9 entries
Y - 9 entries
Z - 10 entries
850 entries total.
2753 concepts total.

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