It is widely known that distributions play important roles in Dirac's formulation of quantum mechanics. An example of how the Dirac distribution arises in a physical, classical context is also available on line.
The Dirac delta distribution is not a true function because it is not uniquely defined for all values of the argument . Somewhat similar to the older Kronecker delta symbol, the notation stands for
Moreover, for any continuous function :
or in dimensions:
one could attempt to define the values of via a series of normalized Gaussian functions (normal distributions) in the limit of their width going to zero; however, such a limit of the normalized Gaussian function is still meaningless as a function, even though one sees in engineering textbooks especially such a limit as being written to be equal to the Dirac distribution considered above, which it is not. An example of how the Dirac distribution arises in a physical, classical context is available on line.
The Dirac delta, , can be, however, correctly defined as a linear functional, i.e. a linear mapping from a function space, consisting e.g. of certain real functions, to
), having the property
One may consider this as an inner product
of a function and another “function” , when the well-known formula
- 1
- Schwartz, L. (1950–1951), ThÃ�orie des distributions, vols. 1–2, Hermann: Paris.
- 2
- WR73) W. Rudin, Functional Analysis, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973.
- 3
- L. Hörmander, The Analysis of Linear Partial Differential Operators I, (Distribution theory and Fourier Analysis), 2nd ed, Springer-Verlag, 1990.
- 4
- Originally from The Data Analysis Briefbook (