The family of straight lines in the plane is characterized by the equation
, where and are arbitrary constants. To fix these constants means to select one member of the family, that is, to fix our attention on one straight line among all the others. The differential equation
is called the differential equation of this family of straight lines because every function of the form satisfies this equation and, conversely, every solution of
is a member of the family
. The differential equation
characterizes the family as a whole without specific reference to the particular members.
More generally, a family of curves can be described by
or implicitly by
, in which arbitrary constants appear. The differential equation of the family is obtained by successively differentiating times and eliminating the constants between the resulting relations. The differential equation that results is of order .
[1] Lass, Harry. "Elements of pure and applied mathematics" New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 1957.
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