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Physics Library Encyclopedia
(browse by subject)
- 1 entry
1 - 5 entries
2 - 14 entries
3 - 4 entries
4 - 5 entries
A - 177 entries
B - 105 entries
C - 340 entries
D - 124 entries
E - 138 entries
F - 133 entries
\F~ (in notations of fundamental concepts in physics) owned by bci1
$f_p$ (in probability distribution functions in physics) owned by bci1
FaradaysLaw (in Maxwell's equations) owned by invisiblerhino
FCCS (in spectroscopy areas) owned by bci1
FCCS (in DNA molecular models) owned by bci1
FCS (in spectroscopy areas) owned by bci1
FCS (in DNA molecular models) owned by bci1
FCS (=Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS)) owned by bci1
FCS (in Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS)) owned by bci1
Felix Bloch owned by bci1
Fermat's principle owned by bci1
Fermi-Dirac distribution owned by invisiblerhino
Fermi-Dirac statistics (=Fermi-Dirac distribution) owned by invisiblerhino
Fermi distribution (=Fermi-Dirac distribution) owned by invisiblerhino
fermion owned by vip6
fermion (in superspace and supergravity) owned by bci1
fermion (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
fermionic generators (in superspace and supergravity) owned by bci1
Fermi statistics (in Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries) owned by bci1
ferritin (in George Palade) owned by bci1
ferromagnetic resonance (in magnons) owned by bci1
Feschbach resonances (in bibliography for theoretical physics) owned by bci1
Feynman's Lectures on Physics owned by bci1
FFT (=generalized Fourier and measured groupoid transforms) owned by bci1
FFT (=table of Fourier and generalized transforms) owned by bci1
FFT fluorescence (in Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS)) owned by bci1
FFT laser spectroscopy (in Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS)) owned by bci1
field (in Axioms of Physics) owned by bci1
field (in Fundamental physical concepts) owned by bci1
field carriers (=gauge bosons) owned by bci1
Fields Institute Workshop 2004 Topic (=homotopy groupoids and crossed complexes) owned by bci1
Fields Medal and its winners owned by bci1
filtered Space (in non-Abelian algebraic topology) owned by bci1
finite Hopf algebra (=finite quantum group) owned by bci1
finite hypergraph (in hypergraph) owned by bci1
finite Lie algebra of quantum commutators (in Lie algebras) owned by bci1
finite quantum algebra owned by bci1
finite quantum group owned by bci1
first law of thermodynamics owned by bloftin
first principle of thermodynamics (=first law of thermodynamics) owned by bloftin
flavor (in quantum chromodynamics (QCD)) owned by bci1
flavor (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
FLIM (in spectroscopy areas) owned by bci1
floor function (in four-color theorem) owned by bci1
fluid dynamics (in topic on computational physics) owned by bci1
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) owned by bci1
Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) (in Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS)) owned by bci1
Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) (in Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS)) owned by bci1
Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS) owned by bci1
fluorescence miscroscopy (in DNA molecular models) owned by bci1
flux (in stellar magnitude) owned by bloftin
flux of vector field owned by pahio
FMR (in magnons) owned by bci1
Focal Depth owned by aerringt
Fock representation of quantum free fields (in Haag theorem) owned by bci1
focused X-ray beams (in X-ray microscope) owned by bci1
formula (in ETAC) owned by bci1
Fortran (in topic on computational physics) owned by bci1
four-color theorem owned by bci1
Fourier series in complex form and Fourier integral owned by pahio
Fourier-Stieltjes algebra of a groupoid (in generalized Fourier transform) owned by bci1
Fourier-Stieltjes algebra of a groupoid owned by bci1
Fourier-Stieltjes integral (=generalized Fourier transform) owned by bci1
Fourier-Stieltjes integral (in generalized Fourier transform) owned by bci1
Fourier-Stieltjes transform (=generalized Fourier transform) owned by bci1
Fourier-Stieltjes transform (in generalized Fourier transform) owned by bci1
Fourier transforms (in generalized Fourier and measured groupoid transforms) owned by bci1
the four thermodynamic laws (in principles of thermodynamics) owned by bci1
FRAP (in spectroscopy areas) owned by bci1
Free Encyclopedia from PM books owned by bci1
free fall acceleration example (=penny falling from Empire State Building) owned by bloftin
free particle wave equation (=wave equation of a free particle) owned by bloftin
Fresnel formulae owned by pahio
Fresnel formulae result owned by bci1
Fresnel formulas (=Fresnel formulae) owned by pahio
Fresnel integrals owned by pahio
Fresnel plate lens (in X-ray microscope) owned by bci1
FRET (in spectroscopy areas) owned by bci1
FRET (in DNA molecular models) owned by bci1
friction owned by bloftin
frictionless inclined plane owned by bloftin
Frobenius method owned by pahio
FT (=generalized Fourier and measured groupoid transforms) owned by bci1
FT (=table of Fourier and generalized transforms) owned by bci1
FT-IR (in table of Fourier and generalized transforms) owned by bci1
FT-NIR (in table of Fourier and generalized transforms) owned by bci1
FT-NMR (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
fully faithful functor owned by bci1
function (in relation theory) owned by Jon Awbrey
functional biology (in symmetry and groupoid representations in functional biology) owned by bci1
functor (in functor category) owned by bci1
functor (in category theory) owned by bci1
examples of functor categories owned by bci1
functor category owned by bci1
functor category (in category theory) owned by bci1
Functorial Algebraic Geometry and Physics owned by bci1
functorial geometry (in Functorial Algebraic Geometry and Physics) owned by bci1
functorial representations (in algebraic categories and representations of classes of algebras) owned by bci1
functor representation (in categorical algebra) owned by bci1
fundamental absorption (in principles of NIR spectroscopy) owned by vip6
fundamental class (in derivation of cohomology group theorem) owned by bci1
fundamental cohomology theorem (=derivation of cohomology group theorem) owned by bci1
fundamental cohomology theorem (=cohomology group theorem) owned by bci1
fundamental cohomology theorem (in derivation of cohomology group theorem) owned by bci1
fundamental complexity diagrams owned by bci1
fundamental crossed complex (in generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional) owned by bci1
fundamental formulas (in fundamental formulas of physics: categories) owned by bci1
fundamental formulas of physics: categories owned by bci1
fundamental group (in generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional) owned by bci1
fundamental group (in algebraic topology) owned by bci1
fundamental group (in non-Abelian algebraic topology) owned by bci1
fundamental group functor (in homotopy category) owned by bci1
fundamental groupoid (in algebraic topology) owned by bci1
fundamental groupoid functor (in fundamental groupoid functors in quantum theories) owned by bci1
fundamental groupoid functor (in fundamental groupoid functors) owned by bci1
fundamental groupoid functor (in algebraic topology) owned by bci1
fundamental groupoid functors owned by bci1
fundamental groupoid functors in quantum theories owned by bci1
fundamental groups (in homotopy category) owned by bci1
fundamental groups (in Van Kampen Theorem for groups and groupoids) owned by bci1
Fundamental physical concepts owned by bci1
fundamental physical concepts (in Fundamental physical concepts) owned by bci1
fundamental physics concepts (in Axioms of Physics) owned by bci1
fundamental physics concepts (in Fundamental physical concepts) owned by bci1
fundamental quantum groupoid owned by bci1
fundamentals of nuclear physics owned by bci1
fundamentals of physics (=Axioms of Physics) owned by bci1
fundamental theorem of integral calculus owned by pahio
fusion of theoretical physics with mathematics at IHES org owned by bci1
fusion power (in fundamentals of nuclear physics) owned by bci1
fuzzy automaton (in category of automata) owned by bci1
fuzzy logics of living organisms owned by bci1
$\mathcal{F}_{Qc}$ (in Haag theorem) owned by bci1
G - 156 entries
H - 153 entries
I - 80 entries
J - 24 entries
K - 23 entries
L - 112 entries
M - 196 entries
N - 172 entries
O - 47 entries
P - 129 entries
Q - 229 entries
R - 113 entries
S - 275 entries
T - 176 entries
U - 41 entries
V - 65 entries
W - 42 entries
X - 9 entries
Y - 9 entries
Z - 10 entries
850 entries total.
2753 concepts total.

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