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functor category (Definition)
Definition 0.1   In order to define the concept of functor category, let us consider for any two categories $\mathcal{\mathcal A}$ and $\mathcal{\mathcal A'}$, the class

$\displaystyle \textbf{M} = [\mathcal{\mathcal A},\mathcal{\mathcal A'}]$
of all covariant functors from $\mathcal{\mathcal A}$ to $\mathcal{\mathcal A'}$. For any two such functors $F, K \in [\mathcal{\mathcal A}, \mathcal{\mathcal A'}]$, $F: \mathcal{\mathcal A} \rightarrow \mathcal{\mathcal A'}$ and $K: \mathcal{\mathcal A} \rightarrow \mathcal{\mathcal A'}$, let us denote the class of all natural transformations from $F$ to $K$ by $[F, K]$. In the particular case when $[F, K]$ is a set one can still define for a small category $\mathcal{\mathcal A}$, the set $Hom_{\textbf{M}}(F,K)$. Thus, cf. p. 62 in [1], when $\mathcal{\mathcal A}$ is a small category the `class' $[F, K]$ of natural transformations from $F$ to $K$ may be viewed as a subclass of the cartesian product $\prod_{A \in \mathcal{\mathcal A}}[F(A), K(A)]$, and because the latter is a set so is $[F, K]$ as well. Therefore, with the categorical law of composition of natural transformations of functors, and for $\mathcal{\mathcal A}$ being small, $\textbf{M} = [\mathcal{\mathcal A},\mathcal{\mathcal A'}]$ satisfies the conditions for the definition of a category, and it is in fact a functor category.

Remark: In the general case when $\mathcal{\mathcal A}$ is not small, the proper class $\textbf{M} = [\mathcal{\mathcal A}, \mathcal{\mathcal A'}]$ may be endowed with the structure of a supercategory (defined as any formal interpretation of ETAS) with the usual categorical composition law for natural transformations of functors. Similarly, one can construct a meta-category defined as the supercategory of all functor categories.


Mitchell, B.: 1965, Theory of Categories, Academic Press: London.
Refs. $[15],[17],[18]$ and $[288]$ in the Bibliography of Category Theory and Algebraic Topology. Categories, Functors and Automata Theory: A Novel Approach to Quantum Automata through Algebraic-Topological Quantum Computations., Proceed. 4th Intl. Congress LMPS, P. Suppes, Editor (August-Sept. 1971).

"functor category" is owned by bci1.

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See Also: category, categorical diagrams defined as functors, category theory, algebraic topology

Also defines:  functor
Keywords:  functor, category, functor category

examples of functor categories (Example) by bci1

Cross-references: composition law, ETAS, supercategory, composition, small category, natural transformations, categories, concept
There are 9 references to this object.

This is version 5 of functor category, born on 2009-03-19, modified 2009-04-06.
Object id is 603, canonical name is FunctorCategories.
Accessed 983 times total.

Physics Classification02. (Mathematical methods in physics)

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