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Physics Library Encyclopedia
(browse by subject)
- 1 entry
1 - 5 entries
2 - 14 entries
3 - 4 entries
4 - 5 entries
A - 177 entries
B - 105 entries
C - 340 entries
D - 124 entries
E - 138 entries
F - 133 entries
G - 156 entries
H - 153 entries
I - 80 entries
J - 24 entries
K - 23 entries
L - 112 entries
M - 196 entries
N - 172 entries
O - 47 entries
P - 129 entries
Q - 229 entries
R - 113 entries
S - 275 entries
s-automaton (in automaton) owned by bci1
scalar (in vector) owned by bloftin
scalar product (=dot product) owned by bloftin
scanning electron microscopy (in electron microscope) owned by bci1
scanning force microscopy (SFM) owned by bci1
scanning microscopy with a cantilever (in scanning force microscopy (SFM)) owned by bci1
scanning probe microscopy (in DNA molecular models) owned by bci1
Schrödinger equation wtih ramp potential owned by bloftin
Schrödinger operator (in quantum Hamiltonian operator) owned by bci1
Schroedinger d-system (in CCR representation theory) owned by bci1
Schroedinger representation (in canonical commutation and anti-commutation relations: their representations) owned by bci1
Schwartz space of rapidly decreasing $C_{\infty}$ functions (in canonical commutation and anti-commutation relations: their representations) owned by bci1
Schwarz-Christoffel transform (=Schwarz--Christoffel transformation) owned by pahio
Schwarz--Christoffel transformation owned by pahio
scintigraphy (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
sea quark (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
sea quarks (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
second-order differential equations (in time-dependent harmonic oscillators) owned by bci1
section (in isomorphism) owned by bci1
section functor owned by bci1
self-adjoint quantum operator (in algebraic quantum field theories (AQFT)) owned by bci1
self-duality (in duality and triality) owned by bci1
SEM (in electron microscope) owned by bci1
semigroup (in category theory) owned by bci1
sentence (in ETAC) owned by bci1
separable Hilbert space (in groupoid representation theorem) owned by bci1
separation of variables (in Riccati equation) owned by pahio
sequence of different categories (in variable category) owned by bci1
sequence of topological spaces (in $\Omega$-spectrum) owned by bci1
sequential machine (in category of automata) owned by bci1
sequential machine (in category of automata) owned by bci1
sequential machine (in automaton) owned by bci1
sequential machine (in automaton) owned by bci1
sequential machine (=automaton) owned by bci1
Serre duality (in duality and triality) owned by bci1
set of automaton states (in automaton) owned by bci1
set of based homotopy classes of based maps (in cohomology group theorem) owned by bci1
SFM (in scanning force microscopy (SFM)) owned by bci1
SGA (in index of algebraic geometry) owned by bci1
SGA1 (in index of algebraic geometry) owned by bci1
SGA2 (in index of algebraic geometry) owned by bci1
SGA3 (in index of algebraic geometry) owned by bci1
SGA4 (in index of algebraic geometry) owned by bci1
SGA5 (in index of algebraic geometry) owned by bci1
SGA6 (in index of algebraic geometry) owned by bci1
SGA7 (in index of algebraic geometry) owned by bci1
sheaf theory (in Nicolae Popescu) owned by bci1
short exact sequence of Lie groups (in spin and spin group mathematics) owned by bci1
short range antiferromagnetic fluctuations and symmetry breaking (in magnons) owned by bci1
$sigma$-algebra (in Borel G-space) owned by bci1
sigma-algebra of Borel sets (in Borel G-space) owned by bci1
$\sigma$-finite Borel and Radon measures owned by bci1
$\sigma$-finite Borel measure (in $\sigma$-finite Borel and Radon measures) owned by bci1
similarity and analogous systems: dynamic adjointness and topological equivalence owned by bci1
Simple Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation owned by bloftin
simple harmonic oscillator owned by rspuzio
simple incidence structure (in hypergraph) owned by bci1
simple incidence structure (=hypergraph) owned by bci1
simple proposition (in differential propositional calculus) owned by Jon Awbrey
simplicial (in geometrically defined double groupoid with connection) owned by bci1
simplicial complex (in geometrically defined double groupoid with connection) owned by bci1
simplicial complex (in algebraic topology) owned by bci1
simplicial CW-complex (in spin networks viewed as CW-complexes) owned by bci1
single-ion qubits (in qubit and qudit) owned by bci1
single molecule detection (in Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS)) owned by bci1
single stage rocket burnout height owned by bloftin
singular chains (in generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional) owned by bci1
singular complex of a space (in generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional) owned by bci1
singular proposition (in differential propositional calculus) owned by Jon Awbrey
Sir Michael Atiyah owned by bci1
SIT equations (in quantum solitons) owned by bci1
SI unit prefixes owned by bloftin
SI units and derivations owned by Wkbj79
sketch of a program (=Esquisse d'un Programme) owned by bci1
skew-symmetric matrix (in matrix) owned by bloftin
SL(3 (in Baum-Connes conjecture) owned by bci1
SLAC (in Fundamental physical concepts) owned by bci1
small category owned by bci1
small category (in category) owned by bci1
small category (in alternative definition of small category) owned by bci1
small category (=alternative definition of small category) owned by bci1
SMB (in George Karreman) owned by bci1
Snell's law owned by bloftin
$SO(2,1)$ gauge-covariant derivative (in quantum geometry) owned by bci1
soft X-rays (in X-ray microscope) owned by bci1
solenoidal (in vector potential) owned by pahio
solenoidal vector field (=vector potential) owned by pahio
sole sufficient connective (=sole sufficient operator) owned by Jon Awbrey
sole sufficient operator owned by Jon Awbrey
solid (in Table of categories and functor properties) owned by bci1
solid He-4 (in bibliography for theoretical physics) owned by bci1
solid object (in center of mass) owned by bci1
soliton owned by invisiblerhino
solvation forces (in scanning force microscopy (SFM)) owned by bci1
example of solving the heat equation owned by bloftin
solving the wave equation due to D. Bernoulli owned by bloftin
SO(n) (in spin and spin group mathematics) owned by bci1
source map (in small category) owned by bci1
source map (in alternative definition of small category) owned by bci1
sources and sinks of vector field owned by pahio
source universe (in differential propositional calculus) owned by Jon Awbrey
South Celestial Pole (in Celestial Poles) owned by bloftin
south circumpolar zone (in Celestial Poles) owned by bloftin
Sp(1) (in spin and spin group mathematics) owned by bci1
Space and Time in Classical Mechanics owned by bloftin
space of groupoid objects (in groupoid) owned by bci1
space-time (=category of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds) owned by bci1
spacetime interval is invariant for a Lorentz transformation owned by bloftin
space-time quantization (in space-time quantization in quantum gravity theories) owned by bci1
space-time quantization in quantum gravity theories owned by bci1
spacetimes (=category of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds) owned by bci1
Special and General Principle of Relativity owned by bloftin
special epimorphisms (in Table of categories and functor properties) owned by bci1
special relativity (=category of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds) owned by bci1
SPECT (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
spectral imaging (in spectroscopy areas) owned by bci1
spectroscopy areas owned by bci1
Spectroscopy fields (=spectroscopy areas) owned by bci1
spectroscopy topics owned by bci1
spectrum (in $\Omega$-spectrum) owned by bci1
speed (in velocity) owned by vip6
speed of light (in Axioms of Physics) owned by bci1
speed of light (in Fundamental physical concepts) owned by bci1
spherical coordinate motion example of generalized coordinates owned by bloftin
spin (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
Spin(3) (in spin and spin group mathematics) owned by bci1
Spin(4) (in spin and spin group mathematics) owned by bci1
spin and spin group mathematics owned by bci1
spin foam (in spin networks viewed as CW-complexes) owned by bci1
spin foam (in CW-complex of spin networks (CWSN)) owned by bci1
spin foam (=CW-complex of spin networks (CWSN)) owned by bci1
spin foams (=spin networks viewed as CW-complexes) owned by bci1
spin group (in spin and spin group mathematics) owned by bci1
Spin(n) (in spin and spin group mathematics) owned by bci1
spin networks (in spin networks viewed as CW-complexes) owned by bci1
spin networks and spin foams owned by bci1
spin networks viewed as CW-complexes owned by bci1
spinor (in Élie Joseph Cartan) owned by bci1
spinor fields (in superfields) owned by bci1
spin temperature (in temperature) owned by bloftin
spin-wave excitations (in superconductivity) owned by bci1
spin-wave excitations (in magnons) owned by bci1
SPM (in DNA molecular models) owned by bci1
spontaneous symmetry breaking (in Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries) owned by bci1
SPS (in large hadron collider) owned by bci1
square (in geometrically defined double groupoid with connection) owned by bci1
square diagram (in commutative square diagram) owned by bci1
square matrix (in matrix) owned by bloftin
SR (in category of pseudo-Riemannian manifolds) owned by bci1
stability properties (in Table of categories and functor properties) owned by bci1
stable attractor (in general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
stable automaton (in automaton) owned by bci1
stable bound quantum states (in Efimov states) owned by bci1
stable space-time structure (=general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
stacks (in Grothendieck's ``Esquisse d'un Programme'') owned by bci1
standard Borel space (in Borel G-space) owned by bci1
Standard Model of physics (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
standard topos (=topos axioms) owned by bci1
standard topos (in topos axioms) owned by bci1
state function (in operator algebra and complex representation theorems) owned by bci1
state functions (in principles of thermodynamics) owned by bci1
Statement of the Object of the Work owned by bloftin
state of $C^*$-algebra (in algebraic quantum field theories (AQFT)) owned by bci1
state of matter (in plasma) owned by bci1
states of molecular sets (in category of molecular reactions) owned by bci1
state space (in automaton) owned by bci1
state space (in automaton) owned by bci1
state vectors (=Observables and States) owned by rspuzio
static magnetic field (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
statics owned by bloftin
Statistical Entropy owned by woodgrain
Statistical Entropy (in Statistical Entropy) owned by woodgrain
statistical mechanics (=principles of thermodynamics) owned by bci1
Stefan-Boltzamann law owned by bloftin
Stefan's law (=Stefan-Boltzamann law) owned by bloftin
stellar magnitude owned by bloftin
Stephen Hawking (=Stephen William Hawking) owned by bci1
Stephen William Hawking owned by bci1
stereographic projection (in representations of 4-D spaces) owned by bci1
steronet (in representations of 4-D spaces) owned by bci1
Stieltjes-Fourier transforms (in generalized Fourier and measured groupoid transforms) owned by bci1
Stieltjes transform (=generalized Fourier transform) owned by bci1
Stokes' theorem owned by bloftin
strange matter (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
strangeness (in quantum chromodynamics (QCD)) owned by bci1
strangeness (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
strange particles (in Elementary particles topic) owned by bci1
strange quark (in notations of fundamental concepts in physics) owned by bci1
strings and branes theories (in Mathematical structure of physical theories) owned by bci1
string theory (in M-theory) owned by bci1
reflected properties strong epis (in Table of categories and functor properties) owned by bci1
strong interactions (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
strongly correlated clean systems (in Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries) owned by bci1
SU(2) (in quantum groups and Hopf algebras) owned by bloftin
SU(2) (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
SU(3) (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
subatomic particles (in Fundamental physical concepts) owned by bci1
subsystem (in general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
summation convention (=Einstein summation notation) owned by bloftin
summation notation (=Einstein summation notation) owned by bloftin
supefluid $^3$He (in superfluid) owned by bci1
superalgebras (in Mathematical structure of physical theories) owned by bci1
superalgebroid (in superalgebroids in higher dimensions) owned by bci1
superalgebroids in higher dimensions owned by bci1
super-categories (=supercategory theories) owned by bci1
super-category (in supercategory) owned by bci1
supercategory owned by bci1
supercategory (=superdiagrams as heterofunctors) owned by bci1
supercategory (=supergroupoid) owned by bci1
super-category (in supercategory theories) owned by bci1
supercategory (in supercategory theories) owned by bci1
supercategory (in axiomatic theories of metacategories and supercategories) owned by bci1
supercategory (in axioms of metacategories and supercategories) owned by bci1
supercategory of variable molecular sets owned by bci1
supercategory theories owned by bci1
supercomputer (in supercomputers) owned by bci1
supercomputer architercture (in supercomputers) owned by bci1
supercomputer code (in supercomputers) owned by bci1
supercomputers owned by bci1
superconducting flux qubit (in qubit and qudit) owned by bci1
superconducting loop (in qubit and qudit) owned by bci1
superconductivity (in Feynman's Lectures on Physics) owned by bci1
superconductivity (in Quantum topological order and extended quantum symmetries) owned by bci1
superconductivity (in superfluid) owned by bci1
superconductivity (in superconductivity) owned by bci1
superconductivity owned by bci1
superdiagram (in superdiagrams as heterofunctors) owned by bci1
superdiagrams as heterofunctors owned by bci1
superfields (in superspace and supergravity) owned by bci1
superfields owned by bci1
superfluid (in topic on computational physics) owned by bci1
superfluid owned by bci1
supergravity (in superspace and supergravity) owned by bci1
supergroup (=supergroupoid) owned by bci1
supergroupoid owned by bci1
supergroups (in Mathematical structure of physical theories) owned by bci1
supergroups (=groupoids topic) owned by bci1
supergroups (=superdiagrams as heterofunctors) owned by bci1
superimposed confocal images (in Fluorescence cross-correlation spectroscopy (FCCS)) owned by bci1
superposition function (in time-dependent harmonic oscillators) owned by bci1
Super Proton Synchrotron (in large hadron collider) owned by bci1
superselection sector (in algebraic quantum field theories (AQFT)) owned by bci1
superselection sector (in algebraic quantum field theories (AQFT)) owned by bci1
supersolid (in bibliography for theoretical physics) owned by bci1
superspace (in superspace and supergravity) owned by bci1
superspace and supergravity owned by bci1
superspaces (in Mathematical structure of physical theories) owned by bci1
superstring (in M-theory) owned by bci1
superstructures (in Mathematical structure of physical theories) owned by bci1
supersymmetric gauge theories (in superfields) owned by bci1
supersymmetries (=supersymmetry) owned by bci1
supersymmetry (=superspace and supergravity) owned by bci1
supersymmetry owned by bci1
supersymmetry superalgebra (in superfields) owned by bci1
supra-molecular events (in Walter Elsasser) owned by bci1
surjective (in Baum-Connes conjecture) owned by bci1
surjective (in relation theory) owned by Jon Awbrey
surjectivity (in Baum-Connes conjecture) owned by bci1
SUSY (in quantum space-times) owned by bci1
SUSY (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
SUSY (in Mathematical structure of physical theories) owned by bci1
SUSY (in High energy physics) owned by bci1
SWR (in magnons) owned by bci1
symmetric matrix (in matrix) owned by bloftin
symmetry and groupoid representations in functional biology owned by bci1
symmetry group (in quantum symmetry) owned by bci1
system (in similarity and analogous systems: dynamic adjointness and topological equivalence) owned by bci1
system (in general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
system biology and bionetworks (=automata theory and computer simulation applications to biomedicine) owned by bci1
system components (in general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
system dynamics (=general dynamic systems) owned by bci1
system of differential equations (in differential equations) owned by bloftin
system of morphisms (in category of additive fractions) owned by bci1
systems biology (=complex systems biophysics) owned by bci1
systems biology (in complex systems biophysics) owned by bci1
T - 176 entries
U - 41 entries
V - 65 entries
W - 42 entries
X - 9 entries
Y - 9 entries
Z - 10 entries
850 entries total.
2753 concepts total.

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