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Mathematical structure of physical theories (Topic)

This is a contributed topic on the mathematical structures associated with physical theories. Hopefully, this topic will be of interest to both physicists and mathematicians (as well as logicians and philosopy of science researchers).

Mathematical and Logical Foundations of Physics

Physical Theories

Mathematical structures and fields underlying physical theories

Logical structure of physical theories

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"Mathematical structure of physical theories" is owned by bci1. [ full author list (2) ]

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See Also: Newton's laws of motion

Also defines:  mathematical structure of physical theories, mathematical foundations of quantum theories, local quantum physics, strings and branes theories, SUSY, superstructures, supergroups, superalgebras, algebraic supervarieties, superspaces, kinematics, dynamics, Newtonian mechanics, classical mechanics
Keywords:  classical mechanics, Newtonian mechanics, relativity theories, quantum theories, wave theories, QED, QCD, QFT, AQFT, TQFT, HQFT, electroweak theories, gravitational theories, quantum gravity, string and superstring theories, high energy physics theories, supersymmetry, SUSY, Astrophysics theories, chaos theories, complex systems biophysics, mathematical biophysics theories, categorical physics, gauge theories, renormalizable theories, non-renormalizable physical theories, conformal theories, statistical physics, calculus and analytical geometry, differential geometry, noncommutative geometry, quantum geometry, Riemanian and pseudo-Riemannian manifolds, Hilbert spaces, C*-algebra, Clifford algebra, quantum operator theory and functional analysis, probability theory, statistics, harmonic and anharmonic analysis, Lebesgue measure theory, Haar systems, non-Abelian algebraic topology, group theory, topology and groupoids, category theory, abstract algebra, matrix algebra, superstructures, supergroups, superalgebras, Lie groups and Lie algebras, graded Lie algebras, algebroids, rings and modules, algebraic geometry, quantum logics, axiomatics, many-valued logics, Boolean logic, automata and dynamic system theories, complex systems biphysics

Cross-references: many-valued logic, quantum computers, quantum automata, automata theory, quantum logics, super-categories, noncommutative geometry, algebraic, non-Abelian, algebraic topology, category theory, tensors, matrices, Differential Geometry, vector, non-Newtonian calculus, systems, Local Quantum Physics, quantum field theories, quantum mechanics, special relativity, Maxwell's equations, Electromagnetism, Thermodynamics, molecular dynamics, motion, Netwon's laws, mechanics
There are 118 references to this object.

This is version 6 of Mathematical structure of physical theories, born on 2009-03-25, modified 2009-06-12.
Object id is 609, canonical name is MathematicalStructureOfPhysicalTheories.
Accessed 3402 times total.

Physics Classification00. (GENERAL)
 02. (Mathematical methods in physics)
 03. (Quantum mechanics, field theories, and special relativity )
 03.65.Fd (Algebraic methods )

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