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Physics Library Encyclopedia
(browse by subject)
- 1 entry
1 - 5 entries
2 - 14 entries
3 - 4 entries
4 - 5 entries
A - 177 entries
B - 105 entries
C - 340 entries
D - 124 entries
E - 138 entries
F - 133 entries
G - 156 entries
H - 153 entries
I - 80 entries
J - 24 entries
K - 23 entries
L - 112 entries
M - 196 entries
N - 172 entries
O - 47 entries
P - 129 entries
Q - 229 entries
R - 113 entries
S - 275 entries
T - 176 entries
U - 41 entries
V - 65 entries
W - 42 entries
$W^*$-algebra (in C*-algebra) owned by bci1
W*-algebra (in quantum groups and von Neumann algebras) owned by bci1
Walter Elsasser owned by bci1
wave (in Axioms of Physics) owned by bci1
wave (in Fundamental physical concepts) owned by bci1
wave amplitude (in wave equations) owned by bci1
wave equation owned by bloftin
derivation of wave equation owned by pahio
derivation of wave equation from Maxwell's equations owned by invisiblerhino
wave equation of a charged a particle in an electromagnetic field owned by bloftin
wave equation of a free particle owned by bloftin
wave equation of a particle in a scalar potential owned by bloftin
wave equations owned by bci1
wave function space owned by bloftin
wave operator (=D'Alembertian) owned by invisiblerhino
wave-particle duality (in wave equations) owned by bci1
wave-particle duality principle (in physical laws) owned by bci1
wave phase (in wave equations) owned by bci1
wave phenomena (in Feynman's Lectures on Physics) owned by bci1
W boson (in gauge bosons) owned by bci1
weak C*-algebroid (in weak Hopf C*-algebra) owned by bci1
weak-field linear metric superfields (in superfields) owned by bci1
weak homotopy (in weak homotopy double groupoid) owned by bci1
weak homotopy double groupoid owned by bci1
weak homotopy equivalence relation (in weak homotopy double groupoid) owned by bci1
weak Hopf algebra owned by bci1
weak Hopf C*-algebra (in quantum groups and von Neumann algebras) owned by bci1
weak Hopf C*-algebra owned by bci1
weak Hopf C*--algebroid (in quantum symmetries from group and groupoid representations) owned by bci1
weak interaction owned by vip6
weak nuclear force (=weak interaction) owned by vip6
Weibel-Palade bodies (in George Palade) owned by bci1
Wheatstone bridge (in scanning force microscopy (SFM)) owned by bci1
Wien displacement law owned by bloftin
Wigner--Weyl--Moyal quantization procedure (in Wigner--Weyl--Moyal quantization procedures) owned by bci1
Wigner--Weyl--Moyal quantization procedures owned by bci1
Wikipedia projects and exchanges (=topic entry on Wikipedia physics & mathematics entries and exchange projects) owned by bci1
William F. Lawvere owned by bci1
William Lawvere (=William F. Lawvere) owned by bci1
work owned by bloftin
work in classic mechanics owned by bloftin
Wulff net (in representations of 4-D spaces) owned by bci1
X - 9 entries
Y - 9 entries
Z - 10 entries
850 entries total.
2753 concepts total.

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