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algebraic topology (Topic)

Algebraic topology


Algebraic topology (AT) utilizes algebraic approaches to solve topological problems, such as the classification of surfaces, proving duality theorems for manifolds and approximation theorems for topological spaces. A central problem in algebraic topology is to find algebraic invariants of topological spaces, which is usually carried out by means of homotopy, homology and cohomology groups. There are close connections between algebraic topology, Algebraic Geometry (AG), non-commutative geometry and, of course, its most recent development– non-Abelian Algebraic Topology (NAAT). On the other hand, there are also close ties between algebraic geometry and number theory.


  1. Homotopy theory and fundamental groups
  2. Topology and groupoids; van Kampen theorem
  3. Homology and cohomology theories
  4. Duality
  5. category theory applications in algebraic topology
  6. indexes of category, functors and natural transformations
  7. Grothendieck's Descent theory
  8. `Anabelian geometry'
  9. Categorical Galois theory
  10. higher dimensional algebra (HDA)
  11. non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology (NAQAT)
  12. Quantum Geometry
  13. Non-Abelian algebraic topology (NAAT)

Homotopy theory and fundamental groups

  1. Homotopy
  2. Fundamental group of a space
  3. Fundamental theorems
  4. van Kampen theorem
  5. Whitehead groups, torsion and towers
  6. Postnikov towers

Topology and Groupoids

  1. Topology definition, axioms and basic concepts
  2. Fundamental groupoid
  3. topological groupoid
  4. van Kampen theorem for groupoids
  5. Groupoid pushout theorem
  6. double groupoids and crossed modules
  7. new4

Homology theory

  1. homology group
  2. Homology sequence
  3. Homology complex
  4. new4

Cohomology theory

  1. Cohomology group
  2. Cohomology sequence
  3. DeRham cohomology
  4. new4

Duality in algebraic topology and category theory

  1. Tanaka-Krein duality
  2. Grothendieck duality
  3. categorical duality
  4. tangled duality
  5. DA5
  6. DA6
  7. DA7

Category theory applications

  1. abelian categories
  2. Topological category
  3. Fundamental groupoid functor
  4. Categorical Galois theory
  5. Non-Abelian algebraic topology
  6. Group category
  7. groupoid category
  8. $\mathcal{T}op$ category
  9. topos and topoi axioms
  10. generalized toposes
  11. Categorical logic and algebraic topology
  12. meta-theorems
  13. Duality between spaces and algebras

Index of categories

The following is a listing of categories relevant to algebraic topology:
  1. Algebraic categories
  2. Topological category
  3. Category of sets, Set
  4. Category of topological spaces
  5. category of Riemannian manifolds
  6. Category of CW-complexes
  7. Category of Hausdorff spaces
  8. category of Borel spaces
  9. Category of CR-complexes
  10. Category of graphs
  11. Category of spin networks
  12. Category of groups
  13. Galois category
  14. Category of fundamental groups
  15. Category of Polish groups
  16. Groupoid category
  17. category of groupoids (or groupoid category)
  18. category of Borel groupoids
  19. Category of fundamental groupoids
  20. Category of functors (or functor category)
  21. Double groupoid category
  22. double category
  23. category of Hilbert spaces
  24. category of quantum automata
  25. R-category
  26. Category of algebroids
  27. Category of double algebroids
  28. Category of dynamical systems

Index of functors

The following is a contributed listing of functors:
  1. Covariant functors
  2. Contravariant functors
  3. adjoint functors
  4. preadditive functors
  5. Additive functor
  6. representable functors
  7. Fundamental groupoid functor
  8. Forgetful functors
  9. Grothendieck group functor
  10. Exact functor
  11. Multi-functor
  12. section functors
  13. NT2
  14. NT3

Index of natural transformations

The following is a contributed listing of natural transformations:
  1. Natural equivalence
  2. Natural transformations in a 2-category
  3. NT3
  4. NT1
  5. NT2
  6. NT3

Grothendieck proposals

  1. Esquisse d'un Programme
  2. Pursuing Stacks
  3. S2
  4. S3
  5. S4

Descent theory

  1. D1
  2. D2
  3. D3
  4. D4

Higher dimensional algebra (HDA)

  1. Categorical groups
  2. Double groupoids
  3. Double algebroids
  4. Bi-algebroids
  5. $R$-algebroid
  6. $2$-category
  7. $n$-category
  8. super-category
  9. weak n-categories
  10. Bi-dimensional Geometry
  11. Noncommutative geometry
  12. Higher-Homotopy theories
  13. Higher-Homotopy Generalized van Kampen Theorem (HGvKT)
  14. H1
  15. H2
  16. H3
  17. H4

Axioms of cohomology theory

  1. A1
  2. A2
  3. A3
  4. A4
  5. A5
  6. A6
  7. A7

Axioms of homology theory

  1. A1
  2. A2
  3. A3
  4. A4
  5. A5
  6. A6

Non-Abelian Algebraic Topology (NAAT)

  1. An overview of Nonabelian Algebraic Topology
  2. non-Abelian categories
  3. non-commutative groupoids (including non-Abelian groups)
  4. Generalized van Kampen theorems
  5. Noncommutative Geometry (NCG)
  6. Non-commutative `spaces' of functions
  7. Non-Abelian Algebraic Topology textbook

References for NAAT

  1. [1] M. Alp and C. D. Wensley, XMod, Crossed modules and Cat1–groups: a GAP4 package,(2004) (
  2. [2] R. Brown, Elements of Modern Topology, McGraw Hill, Maidenhead, 1968. second edition as Topology: a geometric account of general topology, homotopy types, and the fundamental groupoid, Ellis Horwood, Chichester (1988) 460 pp.
  3. [3] R. Brown, `Higher dimensional group theory'
  4. [4] R. Brown.`crossed complexes and homotopy groupoids as non commutative tools for higher dimensional local–to–global problems', Proceedings of the fields Institute Workshop on Categorical Structures for Descent and Galois Theory, Hopf Algebras and Semiabelian Categories, September 23–28, 2002, Contemp. Math. (2004). (to appear), UWB Math Preprint 02.26.pdf (30 pp.)
  5. [5] R. Brown and P. J. Higgins, On the connection between the second relative homotopy groups of some related spaces, Proc.London Math. Soc., (3) 36 (1978) 193–212.
  6. [6] R. Brown and R. Sivera, `Nonabelian algebraic topology', (in preparation) Part I is downloadable from ( mas010/nonab-a-t.html)
  7. [7] R. Brown and C. B. Spencer, Double groupoids and crossed modules, Cahiers Top. G'/eom.Diff., 17 (1976) 343–362.
  8. [8] R. Brown and C. D.Wensley, `computation and homotopical applications of induced crossed modules', J. Symbolic Computation, 35 (2003) 59–72.
  9. [9] The GAP Group, 2004, GAP –Groups, algorithms, and programming, version 4.4 , Technical report, (
  10. [10] A. Grothendieck, `Pursuing stacks', 600p, 1983, distributed from Bangor. Now being edited by G. Maltsiniotis for the SMF.
  11. [11] P. J. Higgins, 1971, Categories and Groupoids, Van Nostrand, New York. Reprint Series, Theory and Appl. Categories (to appear).
  12. [12] V. Sharko, 1993, Functions on manifolds: algebraic and topological aspects, number 131 in Translations of Mathematical Monographs, American Mathematical Society.
  1. new1
  2. new2
  3. new3
  4. new4


  1. new1
  2. new2
  3. new3
  4. new4



Bibliography on Category theory, AT and QAT

Textbooks and Expositions:

  1. A Textbook1
  2. A Textbook2
  3. A Textbook3
  4. A Textbook4
  5. A Textbook5
  6. A Textbook6
  7. A Textbook7
  8. A Textbook8
  9. A Textbook9
  10. A Textbook10
  11. A Textbook11
  12. A Textbook12
  13. A Textbook13
  14. new1
  15. new2
  16. new3
  17. new4

Algebraic Topology and Groupoids

  1. Ronald Brown: Topology and Groupoids, BookSurge LLC (2006).
  2. Ronald Brown R, P.J. Higgins, and R. Sivera.: “Non-Abelian algebraic topology". http://www.; , Springer: in press (2010).
  3. R. Brown and J.-L. Loday: Homotopical excision, and Hurewicz theorems, for n-cubes of spaces, Proc. London Math. Soc., 54:(3), 176–192, (1987).
  4. R. Brown and J.-L. Loday: Van Kampen Theorems for diagrams of spaces, Topology, 26: 311-337 (1987).
  5. R. Brown and G. H. Mosa: Double algebroids and crossed modules of algebroids, University of Wales-Bangor, Maths Preprint, 1986.
  6. R. Brown and C.B. Spencer: Double groupoids and crossed modules, Cahiers Top. Géom. Diff. 17 (1976), 343–362.
  7. Madalina (Ruxi) Buneci.: groupoid representations., Ed. Mirton: Timisoara (2003).
  8. Allain Connes: noncommutative geometry, Academic Press 1994.

Non–Abelian Algebraic Topology and Higher Dimensional Algebra

  1. Ronald Brown: non–Abelian algebraic topology, vols. I and II. 2010. (in press: Springer): Nonabelian Algebraic Topology:filtered spaces, crossed complexes, cubical higher homotopy groupoids
  2. Higher Dimensional Algebra: An Introduction
  3. Higher Dimensional Algebra and Algebraic Topology., 282 pages, Feb. 10, 2010

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See Also: category, functor, non-commutative geometry, index of categories, overview of the content of PlanetPhysics, non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology

Also defines:  non-Abelian, fundamental group, fundamental groupoid, homotopy theory, homology theory, cohomology group, simplicial complex, fundamental groupoid functor, covering, homotopical excision, diagram of spaces, crossed module, crossed complex, Lie algebroid, Lie groupoid, cubical higher homotopy groupoid
Keywords:  homology and cohomology theory, fundamental functor, fundamental groupoid functor, groupoid category, algebroid category, crossed complexes, complex modules, homology groups and groupoids. homotopy theory, groupoids, categorical algebra, topological categories, topological groupoids, Lie groupoids, Lie algebroids, higher-dimensional algebra, higher-dimensional groupoids, Van Kampen theorems, approximation theorem, Hurewicz theorem, algebraic theories

Cross-references: non--Abelian algebraic topology, noncommutative geometry, groupoid representations, diagrams, Hurewicz theorems, Ronald Brown, stacks, programming, algorithms, computation, homotopy groups, pdf, fields, crossed complexes, types, functions, non-commutative, non-Abelian categories, n-categories, super-category, 2-category, section functors, representable functors, preadditive functors, adjoint functors, dynamical systems, double algebroids, algebroids, R-category, category of quantum automata, category of Hilbert spaces, double category, functor category, category of Borel groupoids, category of groupoids, Polish groups, spin networks, graphs, category of Borel spaces, category of Riemannian manifolds, meta-theorems, generalized toposes, topos, groupoid category, category, abelian categories, tangled duality, categorical duality, homology group, double groupoids, pushout, topological groupoid, concepts, groups, non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology, HDA, higher dimensional algebra, natural transformations, functors, indexes of category, category theory applications, cohomology theories, groupoids, fundamental groups, non-commutative geometry, cohomology groups, homotopy, manifolds, theorems, duality, classification, topological, algebraic
There are 51 references to this object.

This is version 23 of algebraic topology, born on 2010-09-28, modified 2010-10-24.
Object id is 878, canonical name is AlgebraicTopology.
Accessed 1693 times total.

Physics Classification00. (GENERAL)
 02.90.+p (Other topics in mathematical methods in physics )
 02.20.-axx (Group theory )
 02.40.Re (Algebraic topology)
 02.20.Sv (Lie algebras of Lie groups)
 02.40.Pc (General topology)
 02.40.-kxx (Geometry, differential geometry, and topology )
 02.20.Bb (General structures of groups)
 03.65.Fd (Algebraic methods )

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