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topic on applied mathematical physics and physical mathematics (Topic)

This is a new, contributed topic entry on subfields and topics of mathematical physics and applied mathematics.

Topics in applied mathematical physics and physical mathematics

  1. Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
  2. computational physics
  3. molecular dynamics experiments (MDE) or computer simulations
  4. plasma wave non-linear excitation
  5. Maxwell's equations for Relativistic electron pulses
  6. Theoretical geophysics and physico-mathematical models in geophysics
  7. Astrophysics, cosmology, geometrodynamics and general relativity theories
  8. quantum gravity
  9. quantum logics, including LM-logic algebras
  10. quantum state spaces, quantum operators, superoperators, observables, eigenstates
  11. Hamiltonians and other Hermitian operators
  12. Algebraic quantum field theory (AQFT)
  13. Quantum Algebraic Topology (QAT)
  14. quantum operator algebra (QOA) in quantum field theories and quantum gravity
  15. quantum groups, Hopf algebras, quantum supergroups and superalgebras
  16. topological quantum field theories (TQFT)
  17. homotopy quantum field theories (HQFT)
  18. non-Abelian physics
  19. non-Newtonian physics or non-Newtonian behavior; examples are non-Newtonian flows in rheology, such as plastic flows, pseudo-plastic flows and dilatant flows; Special Relativity and Quantum theories can also be considered as examples of non-Newtonian fields of Physics, whereas molecular dynamics experiments or simulations that are based on Netwon's laws of motion, or Newton's Principia, are obviously Newtonian computations; Leibnitz's infinitesimal calculus approach to analysis can be thus also considered as a non-Newtonian analytical calculus.
  20. non-Newtonian calculus
  21. unified field theories in physics, supersymmetry and spontaneous symmetry breaking
  22. CPT symmetry and parity violation
  23. Quantum chromodynamics (QCD): quarks, parton distributions, nuclear spin structures and theories of Nuclear Fusion (NF)
  24. Elementary particle theories and Higgs bosons
  25. quantum geometry and non-commutative geometry applications to SUSY model in physics
  26. Harmonic and anharmonic analysis of quantum systems
  27. Bibliography for mathematical physics and quantum algebraic topology
  28. Geometry and group theory applications to mathematical crystallography
  29. spinors and spin groups: spin networks, spin foams, vectors, matrices, tensors and twistors
  30. Complex systems structure (CSS) and dynamics (CSD)
  31. solitons and semi-classical systems
  32. Systems with Chaos
  33. Topological dynamics
  34. Biotopology and topology applications in biology, non-random Networks: cellular, neural and genetic
  35. fluid dynamics, including aerodynamic and vorticity field models with applications in Aeronautics, rocketry and space exploration (NASA, etc.)
  36. superfluids and superconductivity: low- and high- temperature mechanisms
  37. Non-crystalline systems, paracrystals and glasses
  38. categorical physics and categories/ in biology
  39. Categorical dynamics and biodynamics
  40. Physical vs. mathematical probability
  41. Applied statistical mechanics
  42. Numerical analysis and measurement theory in physics
  43. Biostatistics
  44. Bibliography for statistical mechanics
  45. Bibliography for mathematical physics and quantum algebraic topology
  46. Computational physics and astrophysics
  47. computer models and automata theory in biology and medicine
  48. Mathematical medicine and epidemiological models
  49. quantum automata and quantum computers
  50. quantum nanoautomata and nanorobots
  51. Mathematics in natural/life sciences
  52. mathematical biology and theoretical biophysics
  53. Mathematical biophysics
  54. bibliography for mathematical biophysics
  55. Mathematics of finance and market predictions
  56. Mathematical and mathematical physics applications to population genetics
  57. Quantum genetics and bioinformatics
  58. Mathematics and mathematical physics applications in electrical engineering and bioengineering
  59. mathematical physics and physical mathematics models applications in geophysics and ecology
  60. Mathematical physics and physical mathematics models in energy science and engineering, alternative energy mathematical models and theories

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"topic on applied mathematical physics and physical mathematics" is owned by bci1. [ full author list (2) ]

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See Also: non-linear electron excitation of plasma waves

Other names:  theoretical physics
Also defines:  physical mathematics, NNC, TQFT, HQFT, CPT, QOA, QAT, CSS, CSD, NF, non Newtonian, non-Newtonian
Keywords:  mathematical physics, physical mathematics

Cross-references: energy, mathematical physics and physical mathematics, bibliography for mathematical biophysics, mathematical biology and theoretical biophysics, nanorobots, quantum computers, quantum automata, automata theory, computer, categories, categorical physics, glasses, temperature, superconductivity, superfluids, fluid dynamics, solitons, dynamics, systems, tensors, matrices, vectors, spin foams, spin networks, spin groups, spinors, group, SUSY, quantum geometry, Higgs bosons, spin, parton, quarks, QCD, parity, spontaneous symmetry breaking, supersymmetry, unified field theories, non-Newtonian calculus, computations, motion, Netwon's laws, fields, non-Abelian, homotopy, topological, superalgebras, supergroups, Hopf algebras, quantum groups, quantum field theories, quantum operator algebra, QAT, quantum algebraic topology, operators, Hamiltonians, observables, quantum operators, quantum state spaces, quantum logics, quantum gravity, general relativity, electron pulses, Maxwell's equations, wave, plasma, computer simulations, molecular dynamics experiments, Computational Physics, statistical mechanics, Thermodynamics
There are 19 references to this object.

This is version 27 of topic on applied mathematical physics and physical mathematics, born on 2009-05-11, modified 2009-09-10.
Object id is 748, canonical name is TopicOnAppliedMathematicalPhysicsAndPhysicalMathematics.
Accessed 7685 times total.

Physics Classification00. (GENERAL)
 02. (Mathematical methods in physics)

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