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[parent] Preface to the Second Edition: An Elementary Treatise On Quaternions (Topic)

Preface to the Second Edition

From An Elementary Treatise On Quaternions by Peter Guthrie Tait.

To the first edition of this work, published in 1867, the following was prefixed :

THE present work was commenced in 1859, while I was a Professor of Mathematics, and far more ready at Quaternion analysis than I can now pretend to be. Had it been then completed I should have had means of testing its teaching capabilities, and of improving it, before publication, where found deficient in that respect.

The duties of another Chair, and Sir W. Hamilton's wish that my volume should not appear till after the publication of his Elements, interrupted my already extensive preparations. I had worked out nearly all the examples of Analytical Geometry in Todhunter's Collection, and I had made various physical applica tions of the Calculus, especially to Crystallography, to Geometrical Optics, and to the Induction of Currents, in addition to those on kinematics, Electrodynamics, Fresnel s wave Surface, &c., which are reprinted in the present work from the Quarterly Mathematical Journal and the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Sir W. Hamilton, when I saw him but a few days before his death, urged me to prepare my work as soon as possible, his being almost ready for publication. He then expressed, more strongly perhaps than he had ever done before, his profound conviction of the importance of Quaternions to the progress of physical science; and his desire that a really elementary treatise on the subject should soon be published.

I regret that I have so imperfectly fulfilled this last request of my revered friend. When it was made I was already engaged, along with Sir W. Thomson, in the laborious work of preparing a large Treatise on Natural Philosophy. The present volume has thus been written under very disadvantageous circumstances, especially as I have not found time to work up the mass of materials which I had originally collected for it, but which I had not put into a fit state for publication. I hope, however, that I have to some extent succeeded in producing a thoroughly elementary work, intelligible to any ordinary student; and that the numerous examples I have given, though not specially chosen so as to display the full merits of Quaternions, will yet sufficiently shew their admirable simplicity and naturalness to induce the reader to attack the Lectures and the Elements; where he will find, in profusion, stores of valuable results, and of elegant yet powerful analytical investigations, such as are contained in the writings of but a very few of the greatest mathematicians. For a succinct account of the steps by which Hamilton was led to the invention of Quaternions, and for other interesting information regarding that remarkable genius, I may refer to a slight sketch of his life and works in the North British Review for September 1866.

It will be found that I have not servilely followed even so great a master, although dealing with a subject which is entirely his own. I cannot, of course, tell in every case what I have gathered from his published papers, or from his voluminous correspondence, and what I may have made out for myself. Some theorems and processes which I have given, though wholly my own, in the sense of having been made out for myself before the publication of the Elements, I have since found there. Others also may be, for I have not yet read that tremendous volume completely, since much of it bears on developments unconnected with Physics. But I have endeavoured throughout to point out to the reader all the more important parts of the work which I know to be wholly due to Hamilton. A great part, indeed, may be said to be obvious to any one who has mastered the pre liminaries; still I think that, in the two last Chapters especially, a good deal of original matter will be found.

The volume is essentially a working one, and, particularly in the later Chapters, is rather a collection of examples than a detailed treatise on a mathematical method. I have constantly aimed at avoiding too great extension; and in pursuance of this object have omitted many valuable elementary portions of the subject. One of these, the treatment of Quaternion logarithms and exponentials, I greatly regret not having given. But if I had printed all that seemed to me of use or interest to the student, I might easily have rivalled the bulk of one of Hamilton's volumes. The beginner is recommended merely to read the first five Chapters, then to work at Chapters VI, VII, VIII 1(to which numerous easy Examples are appended). After this he may work at the first five, with their (more difficult) Examples; and the remainder of the book should then present no difficulty.

Keeping always in view, as the great end of every mathe matical method, the physical applications, I have endeavoured to treat the subject as much as possible from a geometrical instead of an analytical point of view. Of course, if we premise the properties of i, j, k merely, it is possible to construct from them the whole system 2; just as we deal with the imaginary of Algebra, or, to take a closer analogy, just as Hamilton himself dealt with Couples, Triads, and Sets. This may be interesting to the pure analyst, but it is repulsive to the physical student, who should be led to look upon i, j, k, from the very first as geometric realities, not as algebraic imaginaries.

The most striking peculiarity of the Calculus is that mul tiplication is not generally commutative, i.e. that qr is in general different from rg, r and q being quaternions. Still it is to be remarked that something similar is true, in the ordinary coordinate methods, of operators and functions: and therefore the student is not wholly unprepared to meet it. No one is puzzled by the fact that log. cos. x is not equal to cos. log. x, or that $\sqrt{\frac{dy}{dx}}$ is not equal to $\frac{d}{dx}\sqrt{y}$. Sometimes, indeed, this rule is most absurdly violated, for it is usual to take $\cos^2 x$, as equal to $(\cos x)^2$, while $\cos^{-1} x$ is not equal to $(\cos x)^{-1}$. No such incongruities appear in Quaternions; but what is true of operators and functions in other methods, that they are not generally commutative, is in Quaternions true in the multiplication of (vector) coordinates.

It will be observed by those who are acquainted with the Calculus that I have, in many cases, not given the shortest or simplest proof of an important proposition. This has been done with the view of including, in moderate compass, as great a variety of methods as possible. With the same object I have endeavoured to supply, by means of the Examples appended to each Chapter, hints (which will not be lost to the intelli gent student) of farther developments of the Calculus. Many of these are due to Hamilton, who, in spite of his great origi nality, was one of the most excellent examiners any University can boast of.

It must always be remembered that Cartesian methods are mere particular cases of Quaternions, where most of the distinctive features have disappeared; and that when, in the treatment of any particular question, scalars have to be adopted, the Quaternion solution becomes identical with the Cartesian one. Nothing there fore is ever lost, though much is generally gained, by employing Quaternions in preference to ordinary methods. In fact, even when Quaternions degrade to scalars, they give the solution of the most general statement of the problem they are applied to, quite independent of any limitations as to choice of particular coordinate axes.

There is one very desirable object which such a work as this may possibly fulfil. The University of Cambridge, while seeking to supply a real want (the deficiency of subjects of examination for mathematical honours, and the consequent frequent introduction of the wildest extravagance in the shape of data for "Problems"), is in danger of making too much of such elegant trifles as Trilinear Coordinates, while gigantic systems like Invariants (which, by the way, are as easily introduced into Quaternions as into Cartesian methods) are quite beyond the amount of mathematics which even the best students can master in three years reading. One grand step to the supply of this want is, of course, the introduction into the scheme of examination of such branches of mathematical physics as the Theories of heat and Electricity. But it appears to me that the study of a mathematical method like Quaternions, which, while of immense power and compre hensiveness, is of extraordinary simplicity, and yet requires constant thought in its applications, would also be of great benefit. With it there can be no "shut your eyes, and write down your equations," for mere mechanical dexterity of analysis is certain to lead at once to error on account of the novelty of the processes employed.

The Table of Contents has been drawn up so as to give the student a short and simple summary of the chief fundamental formulae of the Calculus itself, and is therefore confined to an analysis of the first five [and the two last] chapters.

In conclusion, I have only to say that I shall be much obliged to any one, student or teacher, who will point out portions of the work where a difficulty has been found; along with any inaccuracies which may be detected. As I have had no assistance in the revision of the proof-sheets, and have composed the work at irregular in tervals, and while otherwise laboriously occupied, I fear it may contain many slips and even errors. Should it reach another edition there is no doubt that it will be improved in many important particulars.

To this I have now to add that I have been equally surprised and delighted by so speedy a demand for a second edition and the more especially as I have had many pleasing proofs that the work has had considerable circulation in America. There seems now at last to be a reasonable hope that Hamilton's grand invention will soon find its way into the working world of science, to which it is certain to render enormous services, and not be laid aside to be unearthed some centuries hence by some grubbing antiquary.

It can hardly be expected that one whose time is mainly en grossed by physical science, should devote much attention to the purely analytical and geometrical applications of a subject like this; and I am conscious that in many parts of the earlier chapters I have not fully exhibited the simplicity of Quaternions. I hope, however, that the corrections and extensions now made, especially in the later chapters, will render the work more useful for my chief object, the Physical Applications of Quaternions, than it could have been in its first crude form.

I have to thank various correspondents, some anonymous, for suggestions as well as for the detection of misprints and slips of the pen. The only absolute error which has been pointed out to me is a comparatively slight one which had escaped my own notice: a very grave blunder, which I have now corrected, seems not to have been detected by any of my correspondents, so that I cannot be quite confident that others may not exist.

I regret that I have not been able to spare time enough to rewrite the work; and that, in consequence of this, and of the large additions which have been made (especially to the later chapters), the whole will now present even a more miscellaneously jumbled appearance than at first.

It is well to remember, however, that it is quite possible to make a book too easy reading, in the sense that the student may read it through several times without feeling those difficulties which (except perhaps in the case of some rare genius) must attend the acquisition of really useful knowledge. It is better to have a rough climb (even cutting one's own steps here and there) than to ascend the dreary monotony of a marble staircase or a well-made ladder. Royal roads to knowledge reach only the particular locality aimed at and there are no views by the way. It is not on them that pioneers are trained for the exploration of unknown regions.

But I am happy to say that the possible repulsiveness of my early chapters cannot long be advanced as a reason for not attack ing this fascinating subject. A still more elementary work than the present will soon appear, mainly from the pen of my colleague Professor KELLAND. In it I give an investigation of the properties of the linear and vector function, based directly upon the Kine matics of Homogeneous Strain, and therefore so different in method from that employed in this work that it may prove of interest to even the advanced student.

Since the appearance of the first edition I have managed (at least partially) to effect the application of Quaternions to line, surface, and volume integrals, such as occur in Hydrokinetics, Electricity, and Potentials generally. I was first attracted to the study of Quaternions by their promise of usefulness in such applications, and, though I have not yet advanced far in this new track, I have got far enough to see that it is certain in time to be of incalculable value to physical science. I have given towards the end of the work all that is necessary to put the student on this track, which will, I hope, soon be followed to some purpose.

One remark more is necessary. I have employed, as the positive direction of rotation, that of the earth about its axis, or about the sun, as seen in our northern latitudes, i.e. that opposite to the direction of motion of the hands of a watch. In Sir W. Hamilton's great works the opposite is employed. The student will find no difficulty in passing from the one to the other; but, without previous warning, he is liable to be much perplexed.

With regard to notation, I have retained as nearly as possible that of Hamilton, and where new notation was necessary I have tried to make it as simple and, as little incongruous with Hamilton's as possible. This is a part of the work in which great care is absolutely necessary; for, as the subject gains development, fresh notation is inevitably required; and our object must be to make each step such as to defer as long as possible the revolution which must ultimately come.

Many abbreviations are possible, and sometimes very useful in private work; but, as a rule, they are unsuited for print. Every analyst, like every short-hand writer, has his own special con tractions; but, when he comes to publish his results, he ought invariably to put such devices aside. If all did not use a common mode of public expression, but each were to print as he is in the habit of writing for his own use, the confusion would be utterly intolerable.

Finally, I must express my great obligations to my friend M. M. U. WILKINSON of Trinity College, Cambridge, for the care with which he has read my proofs, and for many valuable suggestions.




... VIII1
... 2
In this edition these Chapters are numbered VII, VIII, IX, respectively Aug. 1889

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