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thin square (Definition)

Let us consider first the concept of a tree that enters in the definition of a thin square. Thus, a simplified notion of thin square is that of “a continuous map from the unit square of the real plane into a Hausdorff space $X_H$ which factors through a tree” ([1]).

Definition 0.1   A tree, is defined here as the underlying space $\vert K\vert $ of a finite $1 $-connected $1 $-dimensional simplicial complex $K $ and boundary $\partial{I}^{2} $ of $I^{2} = I \times I $ (that is, a square (interval) defined here as the Cartesian product of the unit interval $I :=[0,1]$ of real numbers).
Definition 0.2   A square map $u:I^{2} \longrightarrow X $ in a topological space $X $ is thin if there is a factorisation of $u $,

$\displaystyle u : I^{2} \stackrel{\Phi_{u}}{\longrightarrow} J_{u} \stackrel{p_{u}}{\longrightarrow} X, $
where $J_{u}$ is a tree and $\Phi_{u} $ is piecewise linear (PWL) on the boundary $\partial{I}^{2} $ of $I^{2} $.


R. Brown, K.A. Hardie, K.H. Kamps and T. Porter., A homotopy double groupoid of a Hausdorff space , Theory and Applications of Categories 10,(2002): 71-93.
R. Brown and C.B. Spencer: Double groupoids and crossed modules, Cahiers Top. Géom.Diff., 17 (1976), 343–362.
R. Brown and G. H. Mosa: Double algebroids and crossed modules of algebroids, University of Wales–Bangor, Maths Preprint, 1986.
K.A. Hardie, K.H. Kamps and R.W. Kieboom., A homotopy 2-groupoid of a Hausdorff Applied Categorical Structures, 8 (2000): 209-234.
Al-Agl, F.A., Brown, R. and R. Steiner: 2002, Multiple categories: the equivalence of a globular and cubical approach, Adv. in Math, 170: 711-118.

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Also defines:  tree
Keywords:  tree and topological thin square

Cross-references: topological, square, boundary, simplicial complex, concept
There are 9 references to this object.

This is version 3 of thin square, born on 2009-02-02, modified 2009-02-02.
Object id is 461, canonical name is ThinSquare.
Accessed 725 times total.

Physics Classification00. (GENERAL)
 02. (Mathematical methods in physics)
 03. (Quantum mechanics, field theories, and special relativity )
 03.65.Fd (Algebraic methods )

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