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necessary to consider the second bundle. The curvature form of our connection is a tensorial quadratic differential form in , of type
and with values in the Lie Algebra
. Since the Lie algebra of is a subalgebra of
, there is a natural projection of
into the quotient space
. The image of the cur- vature form under this proiection will be called the torsion form or the torsion tensor. If the forms
in (13) define a -connection, the vanishing of the torsion form is expressed analytically by the con- ditions
We proceed to derive the analytical formulas for the theory of a -connection without torsion in the tangent bundle. In general we will consider such formulas in . The fact that the O-connection has no torsion simplifies (13) into the form
By taking the exterior derivative of (23) and using (18), we get
where we put
For a fixed value of we multiply the above equation by
Since the infinitesimal transformations are linearly independent, this implies that
It followo that II is of the form
are Pfaffian forms. Substituting these expressions into (24), we get
It follows that
Since has the property , the above equations imply that
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"test ocr 2" is owned by bloftin.
Cross-references: formulas, tensor, Lie Algebra, type
This is version 2 of test ocr 2, born on 2009-02-07, modified 2009-02-07.
Object id is 503, canonical name is TestOcr2.
Accessed 330 times total.
Pending Errata and Addenda