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Riccati equation (Topic)

The nonlinear differential equation

$\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = f(x)+g(x)y+h(x)y^2$ (1)
is called the Riccati equation.  If  $h(x) \equiv 0$,  it becomes a linear differential equation; if  $f(x) \equiv 0$,  then it becomes a Bernoulli equation.  There is no general method for integrating explicitely the equation (1), but via the substitution

$\displaystyle y \,:=\, -\frac{w'(x)}{h(x)w(x)}$
one can convert it to a second order homogeneous linear differential equation with non-constant coefficients.

If one can find a particular solution  $y_0(x)$,  then one can easily verify that the substitution

$\displaystyle y \,:=\, y_0(x)+\frac{1}{w(x)}$ (2)
converts (1) to
$\displaystyle \frac{dw}{dx}+[g(x)\!+\!2h(x)y_0(x)]\,w+h(x) = 0,$ (3)
which is a linear differential equation of first order with respect to the function  $w =w(x)$.

Example.  The Riccati equation

$\displaystyle \frac{dy}{x} = 3+3x^2y-xy^2$ (4)
has the particular solution  $y := 3x$.  Solve the equation.

We substitute  $y := 3x+\frac{1}{w(x)}$  to (4), getting

$\displaystyle \frac{dw}{dx}-3x^2w-x = 0.$
For solving this first order equation we can put  $w = uv$ $w' = uv'+u'v$,  writing the equation as
$\displaystyle u\cdot(v'-3x^3v)+u'v = x,$ (5)
where we choose the value of the expression in parentheses equal to 0:

$\displaystyle \frac{dv}{dx}-3x^2v = 0$
After separation of variables and integrating, we obtain from here a solution  $v = e^{x^3}$,  which is set to the equation (5):

$\displaystyle \frac{du}{dx}e^{x^3} = x$
Separating the variables yields

$\displaystyle du = \frac{x}{e^{x^3}}\,dx$
and integrating:

$\displaystyle u = C+\int xe^{-x^3}\,dx.$
Thus we have

$\displaystyle w = w(x) = uv = e^{x^3}\left[C+\int xe^{-x^3}\,dx\right],$
whence the general solution of the Riccati equation (4) is

$\displaystyle \displaystyle y \,:=\, 3x+\frac{e^{-x^3}}{C+\int xe^{-x^3}\,dx}.\\ $

It can be proved that if one knows three different solutions of Riccati equation (1), then any other solution may be expressed as a rational function of the three known solutions.

"Riccati equation" is owned by pahio. [ full author list (2) ]

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See Also: time-dependent harmonic oscillators

Also defines:  separation of variables, extensions of Bernoulli equation, homogeneous linear differential equation, Riccati solutions

Cross-references: function, differential equation
There are 7 references to this object.

This is version 6 of Riccati equation, born on 2009-05-29, modified 2009-05-31.
Object id is 788, canonical name is RiccatiEquation2.
Accessed 1043 times total.

Physics Classification02.30.Hq (Ordinary differential equations)

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