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Morita (uniqueness) theorem
The main result for Morita equivalent algebras is provided by the following proposition.
There are also two important and fairly straightforward corollaries of the Morita (uniqueness) theorem.
Proof. All equivalences of categories are exact functors, and therefore they preserve projective objects as required by Corollary 1.
Proof. Let and be the bimodules already defined in Corollary 1.
For proposition (i), one utilizes the functors
to prove the equivalence of the two categories.
For the second proposition (ii), one needs to employ the functor
to prove the natural equivalence of the latter two categories.
"Morita (uniqueness) theorem" is owned by bci1.
Also defines: |
-bimodule |
Cross-references: projective objects, categories, isomorphism, functor, theorem, proposition, Morita equivalent algebras
This is version 9 of Morita (uniqueness) theorem, born on 2009-06-15, modified 2009-06-15.
Object id is 808, canonical name is MoritaUniquenessTheorem.
Accessed 698 times total.
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