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topic on algebraic foundations of quantum algebraic topology
This is a contributed topic on Quantum Algebraic Topology (QAT) introducing mathematical concepts of QAT based on algebraic topology (AT), category theory (CT) and their non-Abelian extensions in higher dimensional algebra (HDA) and supercategories.
Quantum algebraic topology (QAT) is an area of physical mathematics and mathematical physics concerned with the foundation and study of general theories of quantum algebraic structures from the standpoint of algebraic topology, category theory, as well as non-Abelian extensions of AT and CT in higher dimensional algebra and supercategories.
- Poisson algebras, quantization methods and Hamiltonian algebroids
- K-S theorem and its quantum algebraic consequences in QAT
- Logic lattice algebras and many-valued (MV) logic algebras
- Quantum MV-logic algebras and
-noncommutative algebras
- quantum operator algebras ( such as : involution, *-algebras, or
-algebras, von Neumann algebras, , JB- and JL- algebras, - or C*- algebras,
- Quantum von Neumann algebra and subfactors
- Kac-Moody and K-algebras
- quantum groups, quantum group algebras and Hopf algebras
- quantum groupoids and weak Hopf
- groupoid C*-convolution algebras and *-convolution algebroids
- Quantum spacetimes and quantum fundamental groupoids
- Quantum double algebras
- quantum gravity, supersymmetries, supergravity, superalgebras and graded `Lie' algebras
- Quantum categorical algebra and higher dimensional,
- toposes
- Quantum R-categories, R-supercategories and symmetry breaking
- extended quantum symmetries in higher dimensional algebras (HDA), such as: algebroids, double algebroids, categorical algebroids, double groupoids,convolution algebroids, and groupoid
-convolution algebroids
- Universal algebras in R-supercategories
- Supercategorical algebras (SA) as concrete interpretations of the theory of elementary abstract supercategories (ETAS).
- Non-Abelian quantum algebraic topology (NAQAT)
- noncommutative geometry, quantum geometry, and non-Abelian quantum algebraic geometry
- Kochen-Specker theorem (K-S theorem)
- Other – Miscellaneous
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- 10
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- Birkoff, G. & Mac Lane, S., 1999, Algebra, 3rd ed., Providence: AMS.
- 16
- Borceux, F.: 1994, Handbook of Categorical Algebra, vols: 1–3, in Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications 50 to 52, Cambridge University Press.
- 17
- Bourbaki, N. 1961 and 1964: Algèbre commutative., in Éléments de Mathématique., Chs. 1–6., Hermann: Paris.
- 18
- Brown, R. and G. Janelidze: 2004, Galois theory and a new homotopy double groupoid of a map of spaces, Applied Categorical Structures 12: 63-80.
- 19
- Brown, R., Higgins, P. J. and R. Sivera,: 2008, Non-Abelian Algebraic Topology, (vol.2 in preparation).
- 20
- Brown, R., Hardie, K., Kamps, H. and T. Porter: 2002, The homotopy double groupoid of a Hausdorff space., Theory and Applications of Categories 10, 71-93.
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- Brown, R. and Spencer, C.B.: 1976, Double groupoids and crossed modules, Cah. Top. Géom. Diff. 17, 343-362.
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- Bunge, M. and S. Lack: 2003, Van Kampen theorems for toposes, Adv. in Math. 179, 291-317.
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- Bunge, M., 1984, Toposes in Logic and Logic in Toposes, Topoi, 3, no. 1, 13-22.
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- Bunge M, Lack S (2003) Van Kampen theorems for toposes. Adv Math, 179: 291-317.
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- Cartan, H. and Eilenberg, S. 1956. Homological Algebra, Princeton Univ. Press: Pinceton.
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- Cohen, P.M. 1965. Universal Algebra, Harper and Row: New York, London and Tokyo.
- 30
- Connes A 1994. Noncommutative geometry. Academic Press: New York.
- 31
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"topic on algebraic foundations of quantum algebraic topology" is owned by bci1.
See Also: AQFT, QFT, quantum field theories (QFT), Hilbert space
Other names: |
quantum algebraic topology, QAT |
Also defines: |
K-S theorem, Kochen-Specker theorem |
Keywords: |
quantum algebraic topology, algebraic foundations of quantum algebraic topology, Kochen-Specker theorem, K-S theorem |
Cross-references: noncommutative geometry, ETAS, groupoid, convolution, double groupoids, double algebroids, extended quantum symmetries, R-supercategories, R-categories, categorical algebra, Lie algebras, superalgebras, supergravity, supersymmetries, quantum gravity, quantum fundamental groupoids, algebroids, groupoid C*-convolution algebras, quantum groupoids, Hopf algebras, quantum groups, von Neumann algebras, quantum operator algebras, algebraic, Hamiltonian algebroids, quantization methods, Poisson algebras, algebraic structures, general theories, mathematical physics, physical mathematics, supercategories, HDA, higher dimensional algebra, non-Abelian, category theory, algebraic topology, concepts, Quantum Algebraic Topology
There are 4 references to this object.
This is version 8 of topic on algebraic foundations of quantum algebraic topology, born on 2009-01-19, modified 2009-01-26.
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