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index of category theory
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Keywords: |
index of category theory |
Cross-references: power, topos, presheaf, homotopy, algebraic K-theory, projective object, injectives, Abelian category, additive category, monad, algebra formed from a category, quantum topos, quantum logic, algebraic category, enriched category, matrices, category of groupoids, topological, regular, epimorphisms, simplicial, representable functor, adjoint functor, surjective, natural transformation, identity functor, isomorphism, functor, pushout, quotient object, types, monomorphism, duality principle, commutative diagram, small category, alternative definition of category, category, diagram, monoid, semigroup, groupoid, group, Abelian group, ETAC, commutativity, composition law, morphism, identity, object, category theory
There are 6 references to this object.
This is version 3 of index of category theory, born on 2009-05-02, modified 2009-06-10.
Object id is 723, canonical name is IndexOfCategoryTheory.
Accessed 697 times total.
Pending Errata and Addenda