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[parent] notations of fundamental concepts in physics (Topic)

This is a contributed topic entry (in progress) listing notations of fundamental quantities and observables in physics, as well as a listing of related notations of mathematical concepts employed in mathematical physics and physical mathematics.

Notations of Fundamental Physical Quantities, Observables and Related Mathematical Concepts

A List of Notations for Fundamental Quantities, Observables Functions, Operators, Tensors and Matrices in Physics

  1. $m= \, Mass$
  2. $n, \, or \, N = Number \, of \, Particles$ in a system
  3. $\mathcal{R} = \, System\, of \, Reference$ or (Relative) reference frame
  4. $\vec{r}$ or ${\bf r}= \, position \, in \, space$ (relative to a system of reference $\mathcal{R}$ or coordinate system)
  5. $\mathcal{S} = \, Physical \, Space$
  6. $A = \, Surface \, Area$
  7. $l = \, length$
  8. $d = r_2 - r_1= \, the \, distance$ between two points of relative positions $\vec{r}_1$ and $\vec{r}_2$
  9. $V = \, Volume$
  10. $\rho = \, Density$
  11. $\sigma = \, Density \, of \, States$ (for example in a solid)
  12. $\eta = \, Viscosity$ of a Fluid
  13. $\sigma_S =\, Surface \, Tension$
  14. $t = \, Time$ (relative to a system of reference $\mathcal{R}$)
  15. v or $\vec{v} = Velocity$ in Newtonian mechanics
  16. ${\bf q} =\, Velocity$ observable or, respectively operator in theoretical and quantum physics
  17. $\vec{p}= \, Momentum$ in classical mechanics and relativity theories.
  18. ${\bf p} = \, Momentum \, Operator$ in quantum mechanics, QFT, etc.
  19. $\vec{J} = \, Total, \, Quantized \, Angular \, Momentum$
  20. $\vec{a} =\, acceleration$
  21. $\vec{g} =\, gravitational \, acceleration$
  22. $\vec{F} = \, Force$
  23. $\vec{F}_v = \, Vector \, Field$
  24. $Q = \, Electrical \, Charge$
  25. $T_{ij}, \, T^{ij}, \, g_{\mu \nu}, \, etc.\, = \, Tensor$ quantities
  26. $g_{\mu \nu} = \, Riemannian \, metric \, tensor$ in general relativity
  27. $E = \, Energy$ (term coined by Thomas Young in 1807)
  28. $E_i = \mathbb{U} = Internal \, Energy$
  29. $U= \, Potential\, Energy$
  30. $E_K =\, Kinetic\, Energy$
  31. $\mathcal(H) = \, Hamiltonian \, operator$ or Schrƶdinger operator
  32. $\vec{E} = \, Electrical\, Field$
  33. $\vec{\mu}_E = \, Electric \, Dipole$
  34. $\vec{m}= \, Magnetic \, Dipole$
  35. $\vec{H}= \, Magnetic \, Field$
  36. $H= Hadron \, number$
  37. $I_z = Isospin \, z-axis \, component$
  38. $\mathcal F= \, Flavor \, Quantum \, numbers$
  39. $C_h = Charm \, observable$
  40. $S = \, Strangeness \, number$
  41. $Y= B + S = \, Hypercharge$
  42. $C_{ol} = Color \, observable$ (in QCD)
  43. $u = \, up \, quark$
  44. $\overline{u} = up \, Anti-quark$
  45. $d= down \, quark$
  46. $s = strange \, quark$
  47. $c= \, charmed \, quark$
  48. $b= \, bottom \, quark$
  49. $t= \, top \, quark$
  50. $J/psi$ Particle
  51. $\vec{B}= \, Magnetic \, Inductance$
  52. $B = \, Baryon \, number$
  53. $\vec{M}= \, Magnetization$
  54. $\mathcal{I} = \, Spin$ and spin Operator
  55. $EMF = \, Electromagnetic Field$
  56. $\mu = \, Magnetic \, Permeability$
  57. $\chi = \, Magnetic \, Susceptibility$
  58. $P =\, Parity$
  59. $\vec{P} = \, Electrical \, Polarization$
  60. $V_E = \, Electrical \, Potential$
  61. $I = \, Electrical \, current$
  62. $i = \, Current \,, Density$
  63. $C = \, Capacitance$
  64. $L = \, Inductance$
  65. $\mathbb{I} = \, Impedance$
  66. $R = \, Electrical \, Resistance$
  67. $\mathcal E\, or\, \mu = \, Electrochemical Potential$
  68. $a = \, activity$
  69. $T = Temperature$
  70. $\Delta H = \, Exchanged \, Heat$
  71. $\L= \, Mechanical \, Work$
  72. $S = \, Entropy$ (Thermodynamic state function)
  73. $\Delta G =\, Gibbs \, Free\, Energy\, change$
  74. $\Delta \mathbb{H} = \, Helmholtz \, Free \, Energy \, change$
  75. ${\sigma}_{ij} =\, Pauli \, matrices$
  76. $CQG = Compact \, Quantum \, Groups$
  77. $QG = \mathcal{G} = \, Quantum Groupoids$
  78. $QCG = \,Quantum \, Compact\, Groupoids$
  79. $QFG = \, Quantum \, Fundamental \, Groupoid$
  80. $\mathcal A=\, Abelian \, category$
  81. $\mathcal{C} = \, Category$
  82. $\bf {G} = \, Group$
  83. $\mathcal G= \, Groupoid$
  84. ${\bf G}_S = \, Symmetry \, Groups$
  85. ${\bf g} = Lie \, group$
  86. $\widetilde{\bf g} =\, Lie \, algebra$
  87. $SU =\, Special \, Unitary \, Groups$
  88. K
  89. L

Fundamental Constants in Physics

  • $c = \, magnitude \, of \,\, light \, velocity $ in vacuum
  • ${\epsilon}_0 =\, dielectric\, constant$, or electrical permitivity of vacuum
  • ${\mu}_0 =\, magnetic \, permitivity \, (or \, permeability)$ of vacuum
  • $h = \, Planck's$ constant
  • $k =\, Boltzmann$ constant
  • $n = \, Avogadro's \, number$
  • Electron mass (at rest), $e$
  • Proton mass (at rest) $m_P$
  • Fine-structure constant, $\alpha \, $, is the emf coupling constant (that characterizes the strength of the electromagnetic interaction);

    $\displaystyle \alpha \, = \ 7.297\,352\,570(5) \times 10^{-3}\ =\ \frac{1}{137.035\,999\,070(98)} ,$
    (i.e., approximately $\frac{1}{137}$)
  • Neutrino masses (at rest), $m_{\nu}$
  • Electron charge, $m_e$
  • Electron Magnetic Moment, $\mu_e$
  • Proton Magnetic Moment, $\mu_p$
  • neutron Magnetic Moment, $\mu_n$
  • Gyromagnetic Ratios of nucleons or Nuclei, $\gamma_n$
  • gyromagnetic ratio of the Electron, $\gamma_e$
  • Gyromagnetic Ratio of the Muon, $\gamma_{\mu}$
  • $G = \, Universal\, Gravitational\, Constant$
  • $\lambda = \, Cosmological\, Constant$ (introduced by Einstein in Relativity Theory)
  • C
  • D
  • E

"notations of fundamental concepts in physics" is owned by bci1.

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Also defines:  m~, v~, q~, p~, \E, c0, light velocity in vacuum, dielectric constant, \I, impedance, inductance, dielectric constant, magnetic inductance, magnetic field, electric field, vector field, \F~, G~, \DeltaG, \Q, \I~, J~, K~, H~, L~, M~, T~, t~, U~, V~, K~, \mu, \nu, \rho, rho, \psi, \phi, g~, \lambda, \eta, quark flavors, anti-quark, top quark, bottom quark, strange quark, charmed quark, quark color, gluon color, neutrino rest mass
Keywords:  mass, reference frame, space, time, length, distance, spacetime, coordinate system, reference frame, position, velocity, momentum, acceleration, gravitational acceleration, force, charge, potential, energy, electrochemical potential, electrical fields, magnetic fields, emf, electromagnetic field, magnetic dipole, Gibbs free energy, speed of light, heat exchanged, mechanical work, entropy, Helmholtz free energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, internal energy, entropy, energy-momentum tensor, wave function, eigenvalue, eigenstate, phase, Hamiltonian operator, cosmological constant, Riemannian metric tensor

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Cross-references: Einstein, Muon, gyromagnetic ratio, nucleons, neutron, charge, Neutrino, mass, state function, Thermodynamic, spin, QCD, Schrödinger operator, general relativity, QFT, quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, operator, Newtonian mechanics, solid, positions, reference frame, system, mathematical physics and physical mathematics, concepts, observables
There are 44 references to this object.

This is version 82 of notations of fundamental concepts in physics, born on 2009-02-16, modified 2009-03-05.
Object id is 534, canonical name is FundamentalNotationsInPhysics.
Accessed 10128 times total.

Physics Classification00. (GENERAL)
 02. (Mathematical methods in physics)

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