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Heron's principle (Theorem)

theorem.  Let $A$ and $B$ be two points and $l$ a line of the Euclidean plane.  If $X$ is a point of $l$ such that the sum $AX\!+\!XB$ is the least possible, then the lines $AX$ and $BX$ form equal angles with the line $l$.

This Heron's principle, concerning the reflection of light, is a special case of Fermat's principle in optics.

Proof.  If $A$ and $B$ are on different sides of $l$, then $X$ must be on the line $AB$, and the assertion is trivial since the vertical angles are equal.  Thus, let the points $A$ and $B$ be on the same side of $l$.  Denote by $P$ and $Q$ the points of the line $l$ where the normals of $l$ set through $A$ and $B$ intersect $l$, respectively.  Let $C$ be the intersection point of the lines $AQ$ and $BP$.  Then, $X$ is the point of $l$ where the normal line of $l$ set through $C$ intersects $l$.

\begin{pspicture}(-3,-1)(3,3) \psline(-2.6,0)(2.6,0) \psdots[linecolor=blue](-2,... ...$} \rput(0.44,1.3){$C$} \rput(0.44,-0.25){$X$} \rput(2.8,0){$l$} \end{pspicture}
Justification:  From two pairs of similar right triangles we get the proportion equations

$\displaystyle AP:CX \;=\; PQ:XQ, \quad BQ:CX \;=\; PQ:PX,$
which imply the equation

$\displaystyle AP:PX \;=\; BQ:XQ.$
From this we can infer that also

$\displaystyle \Delta AXP \sim \Delta BXQ.$
Thus the corresponding angles $AXP$ and $BXQ$ are equal.

\begin{pspicture}(-3,-3)(3,3) \psline(-2.6,0)(2.6,0) \psdots[linecolor=blue](-2,... ... \psline(-2.15,-1.2)(-1.85,-1.2) \psline(-2.15,-1.1)(-1.85,-1.1) \end{pspicture}
We still state that the route $AXB$ is the shortest.  If $X_1$ is another point of the line $l$, then  $AX_1\,=\,A'X_1$,  and thus we obtain

$\displaystyle AX_1B \;=\; A'X_1B \;=\; A'X_1+X_1B \;\geqq\; A'B \;=\; A'XB \;=\; AXB.$


TERO HARJU: Geometria. Lyhyt kurssi.  Matematiikan laitos. Turun yliopisto, Turku (2007).

"Heron's principle" is owned by pahio.

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See Also: Fermat's principle

Keywords:  reflection

Cross-references: Fermat's principle, theorem

This is version 7 of Heron's principle, born on 2009-02-13, modified 2009-04-19.
Object id is 519, canonical name is HeronsPrinciple.
Accessed 449 times total.

Physics Classification02.40.Dr (Euclidean and projective geometries)
 42.15.-i (Geometrical optics)

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pstricks figures in HTML mode by pahio on 2009-04-19 15:49:44
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Testing some escape charachters for html category with a generator has an injective cogenerator" now escape ” with "