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compact quantum groups (Topic)

Compact Quantum Groups, (CQG) s

A compact quantum group, $Q_{CG}$ is defined as a particular case of a locally compact quantum group $Q_{Glc}$ when the object space of the latter $Q_{Glc}$ is a compact topological space (instead of being a locally compact one).


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36. MAES, A. and VanDAELE, A. 1998. Notes on Compact Quantum Groups., $$, 43 pp.

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See Also: quantum operator algebras, Hopf algebras and quantum groups

Keywords:  compact quantum groups, Hipf algebras, von Neumann algebra, C*-algebra

Cross-references: matrix, non-commutative, finite quantum groups, tensor, theorems, type, groupoid, von Neumann algebra, Haar measure, groups, duality, C*-algebras, quantum groups, algebraic, CQG, norm, topological, object, locally compact quantum group
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This is version 1 of compact quantum groups, born on 2008-10-16.
Object id is 311, canonical name is CompactQuantumGroups.
Accessed 369 times total.

Physics Classification03.65.Fd (Algebraic methods )
 03.65.Nk (Scattering theory)
 03.65.Wj (State reconstruction, quantum tomography)

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