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algebraic geometry and algebraic topology references list for homological algebra
- 1
- Alexander Grothendieck. 1971, Revêtements Étales et Groupe Fondamental (SGA1), chapter VI: Catégories fibrées et descente, Lecture Notes in Math. 224, Springer–Verlag: Berlin.
- 2
- Alexander Grothendieck. 1957, Sur quelque point d-algébre homologique. , Tohoku Math. J., 9: 119-121.
- 3
- Alexander Grothendieck and J. Dieudonné.: 1960, Eléments de geometrie algébrique., Publ. Inst. des Hautes Etudes de Science, 4.
- 4
- Alexander Grothendieck et al.,1971. Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique du Bois-Marie, Vol. 1–7, Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
- 5
- Alexander Grothendieck. 1962. Séminaires en Géométrie Algébrique du Bois-Marie, Vol. 2 - Cohomologie Locale des Faisceaux Cohèrents et Théorèmes de Lefschetz Locaux et Globaux. , pp.287. (with an additional contributed exposé by Mme. Michele Raynaud). Typewritten manuscript available in French; see also a brief summary in English
- 6
- Alexander Grothendieck. 1957, Sur Quelques Points d'algèbre homologique, Tohoku Mathematics Journal, 9, 119–221.
- 7
- Alexander Grothendieck et al. Séminaires en Géometrie Algèbrique- 4, Tome 1, Exposé 1 (or the Appendix to Exposée 1, by `N. Bourbaki' for more detail and a large number of results. AG4 is freely available in French; also available here is an extensive Abstract in English.
- 8
- Alexander Grothendieck, 1984. “Esquisse d'un Programme”, (1984 manuscript), finally published in “Geometric Galois Actions”, L. Schneps, P. Lochak, eds., London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes 242, Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp.5-48; English transl., ibid., pp. 243-283. MR 99c:14034 .
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- Alexander Grothendieck, “La longue marche in à travers la théorie de Galois” = “The Long March Towards/Across the Theory of Galois”, 1981 manuscript, University of Montpellier preprint series 1996, edited by J. Malgoire.
- 10
- Leila Schneps. 1994. The Grothendieck Theory of Dessins d'Enfants. (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series), Cambridge University Press, 376 pp.
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- David Harbater and Leila Schneps. 2000. Fundamental groups of moduli and the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 352 (2000), 3117-3148. MSC: Primary 11R32, 14E20, 14H10; Secondary 20F29, 20F34, 32G15.
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- J. P. Serre. 1964. Cohomologie Galoisienne, Springer-Verlag: Berlin.
- 13
- J. L. Verdier. 1965. Algèbre homologiques et Catégories derivées. North Holland Publ. Cie.
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- G. Janelidze, 2007, Descent and Galois Theory, Outline of a three-lecture series presented in Belgium, in June 2007.
- 15
- Yves Laszlo. Descent Cohomologique, Monograph, Preprint: “Cohmology Descent theory”; pp.43, (orig. in French).
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- J.S. Milne. 1993, “Algebraic Geometry- Lecture notes for Math 631” , taught at the University of Michigan, Fall 1993.
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- Allen Hatcher. 2008a, Spectral Sequences in Algebraic Topology Ch.1 (J.P.) Serre Spectral Sequence
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- Allen Hatcher. 2008b, Allen Hatcher's Book Projectshttp://www.math.cornell.edu/ hatcher/
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- Allen Hatcher. 2008c, Vector Bundles and K-Theory, (v. also Extended Abstract)
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