Given a category and a ring , one can construct an algebra
as follows. Let
be the set of all formal finite linear combinations of the form
where the coefficients lie in and, to every pair of objects and of
and every morphism from to , there corresponds a basis element
. Addition and scalar multiplication are defined in the usual way. Multiplication of elements of
may be defined by specifying how to multiply basis elements. If , then set
; otherwise set
. Because of the associativity of composition of morphisms,
will be an associative algebra over .
Two instances of this construction are worth noting. If is a group, we may regard as a category with one object. Then this construction gives us the group algebra of . If is a partially ordered set, we may view as a category with at most one morphism between any two objects. Then this construction provides us with the incidence algebra of .
"algebra formed from a category" is owned by rspuzio.
This is version 1 of algebra formed from a category, born on 2009-03-11.
Object id is 589, canonical name is AlgebraFormedFromACategory.
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