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Testing revert version (Topic)

Initial Version: $E=mc^2$

2nd version after revision $mc^2 + 2$

3rd revision

4th revision:

5th revision $pv = nrt$

6th revision $y = 1/2vt^2 $

7th revision $F=ma$

8th version after revision

Gamma function owned by bloftin gauge bosons (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1 gauge bosons owned by bci1 gauge bosons (in High energy physics) owned by bci1 gauge group (in gauge bosons) owned by bci1 gauhe fields (in Axioms of Physics) owned by bci1 gauhe fields (in fundamental physical concepts) owned by bci1 Gaussian Co-Ordinates owned by bloftin Gaussian distribution (in probability distribution functions in physics) owned by bci1 Gaussian lineshape (in probability distribution functions in physics) owned by bci1

"Testing revert version" is owned by bloftin.

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Cross-references: Gaussian lineshape, probability distribution functions in physics, Gaussian distribution, Gaussian Co-Ordinates, fundamental physical concepts, Axioms of Physics, gauhe fields, gauge group, High energy physics, quarks and QCD gluons, gauge bosons, gamma function

This is version 9 of Testing revert version, born on 2025-02-02, modified 2025-02-03.
Object id is 935, canonical name is TestingRevertVersion.
Accessed 132 times total.

Physics Classification00. (GENERAL)

Pending Errata and Addenda
Style: Expand: Order:

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Testing some escape charachters for html category with a generator has an injective cogenerator" now escape ” with "