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Physics news (Topic)

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Latest Physics News

Superconductors in Power Transmission

Novel design superconducting systems have been been reported since 2008 to be successful in efficiency tests for power transmission in the US.

First Quantum Computer?

“Quantum computing: No turning back; March 15, 2005

The first realizations of 'cluster states' and cluster-state quantum computation are reported in Nature this week (10 March issue, pp169-176). This represents a significant move from theory to reality for an alternative approach to quantum computing first proposed in 2001.

Anton Zeilinger and colleagues (University of Vienna, Austria) take Robert Raussendorf and Hans Briegel’s ideas for computing, based on highly entangled clusters of many particles - in this case photons - and demonstrate that modifications to the entangled photons in such a state allows them to perform certain computing tasks. The entangled photons allow the system to encode information before computations begin and imprint a quantum logic circuit on the state, destroying its entanglement and making the process irreversible. Hence the name ‘one-way quantum computing’ for the system."

The article reported the first experimental demonstration of an `one-way quantum computer', which would radically change how we think about quantum physics and would opens up “exciting possibilities for the experimental implementation of quantum computation” if it could actually be shown to work as planned.

Study finds there may be multiple 'God particles'

From : Recent research in the USA suggests there may be five versions of the theorized Higgs boson.

This leads to a new Extended Standard Model of Physics

Sanyo announces world's most efficient solar module Technology / energy ( – Sanyo has announced its development of the world's most energy efficient solar module, the HIT-N230. The module was unveiled at a press conference run by Sanyo Electric's Solar Division.

Hybrid CARS – Pros and Cons

Technology / Energy

If you listen to the makers, hybrid cars are the best invention since sliced bread. While there are many reasons to buy a hybrid CAR, including a new tax incentive for US owners, it helps to have a good understanding ...

NEC Develops Novel Silicon Nanophotonics Technology for Optical Interconnections

Physics / Optics and Photonics

NEC Corporation today announced the successful development of fundamental silicon nanophotonics technology that facilitates optical data transmission in large-scale integration (LSI) chips. Semiconductors slow light

Physics / General Physics

DNA Taxi: Photosensitive gold nanoparticles bind and release DNA

Nanotechnology / BioMedicine

Despite few successes to date, gene therapy is a highly promising approach for medical therapy in the future. One of the biggest difficulties with this process is finding a suitable transport agent that can carry the nucleic acid or genes.

Unexpected Plasmonic Discovery: Terahertz waves Travel Slower When Sent Down Smaller Wires

Physics / General Physics

Frequently, the unexpected results in science are the most exciting. That's the case with the latest findings from the lab of Rice University's electrical engineer Daniel Mittleman.

Wireless World: Bundled services market 'makeover'

Technology / Telecom

A swift makeover in the communications world is under way, as traditional boundaries that once separated wired and wireless services are fast fading away, leading to a creative new era of so-called bundled services.

Nano World: Roadmap for nano-imprinting

Nanotechnology / Nanophysics

Scientists could soon easily fabricate electronics and other structures only nanometers or billionths of a meter in size by stamping them out, following a new strategy that could help guarantee results.

Dual Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Revealed

Nanotechnology / Nanophysics

For the first time, researchers have directly measured the electronic structure of individual carbon nanotubes whose physical properties had already been determined.

NIST Gears Up to Verify Short Range 3-D Imaging

Physics / General Physics

Three-dimensional imaging devices are becoming important measuring tools in the manufacturing, construction and transportation sectors. Numerous models of the imaging devices, capable of digitally capturing ...

Existing Technologies Combine to Make Automated Home

Electronics / Robotics

The National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (Japan), Ymatic Ltd., and Biometrica Systems Asia Co. Ltd. have jointly developed a novel automated home – not with new technology, but with existing means.

Iron oxide nanoparticles may help detect, treat tumors

Nanotechnology / Biomedicine

A new technique devised by MIT engineers may one day help physicians detect cancerous tumors during early stages of growth. The technique allows nanoparticles to group together inside cancerous tumors.

Shared theories on thought could lead to smart machines

Technology / Software

Machines can respond to simple electronic commands such as "stop," "start" and "grind," but they are not very good at figuring out complex orders or unstated common sense.

Spallation neutron Source Milestone: First pulsed neutron beams were produced by DOE's Spallation Neutron Source

Physics / General Physics

One of the largest and most anticipated U.S. science construction projects of the past several decades has passed its most significant performance test. The Department of Energy's Spallation Neutron Source, ...

Are solitons the Next wave in electronics?

Physics / General Physics

Harvard scientists have solved the puzzle of how to generate a special waveform in tiny electronic devices, allowing the electrical equivalent of the pulses of light that carry signals through optical fibers.

Polymer Nanotubes as Molecular Probes and DNA Carriers

Nanotechnology / Bio-Medicine

By growing polymers on a porous aluminum oxide template, researchers at the Seoul National University in Korea have fabricated polymer nanotubes to which they can attach two different types of molecules. Nanotubes act as 'thermal Velcro' to reduce computer-chip heating.

Nanotechnology / Nanophysics

Engineers have created carpets made of tiny cylinders called carbon nanotubes to enhance the flow of heat at a critical point where computer chips connect to cooling devices called heat sinks, promising to help keep future chip design compact.

Nanoparticles Make Cancer Cells and Tumors Visible

Nanotechnology / Bio- Medicine

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could detect tumors and their metastases as easily as we find broken bones with X-rays? A team of scientists headed by S. Bhatia in Boston has been working on this problem and found a solution.

Engineers announce breakthrough in nanoscale semiconductor spin wave research

Nanotechnology / Nanophysics

Engineers at the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science are announcing a critical new breakthrough in semiconductor spin-wave research. UCLA Engineering Adjunct Professor Mary Mehrnoosh Eshaghian-Wilner.

Longer battery life for wireless devices

Electronics / Hardware

Those worries about what happens when you need to make that urgent phone call on a dying cell phone, or having your laptop go blank mid-document could soon be lessened. Researchers at the University of Rochester say they've ...

South Korea creates female android

Electronics / Robotics

South Korean scientists say they have created the world's second android – a female named EveR-1.

Scientists demonstrate a breakthrough in fabricating molecular electronics

Nanotechnology / Nanophysics

Scientists from Philips Research and the University of Groningen in the Netherlands have for the first time fabricated arrays of molecular diodes on standard substrates with high yields. The molecular diodes are as thin as .a few molecular layers.

Auguist 31st, 2010 Update

“Spotlight Stories: - White LEDs with super-high luminous efficacy could satisfy all general lighting needs - Leading design software AutoCAD returns to Macintosh computers - Silicon oxide circuits break barrier: Nanocrystal Conductors could lead to massive, robust 3-D storage - High-speed filter uses electrified nanostructures to purify water at low cost - IceCube Neutrino observatory nears completion - radioactive decay rates vary with the sun's rotation: research - Study suggests dinosaurs killed off by more than one asteroid - Oxford English Dictionary may never be printed again - Researchers link protein to tumor growth - Link between cellular glue and cancer growth - Listen up! New experiment records ultrafast chemical reaction with vibrational echoes - Oily whale bones puzzle solved - Species cooperate out of self-interest rather than to be mutually beneficial, study says - Thinnest eggs belonged to largest Moas - Off-the-shelf dyes improve solar cells

Electronics news: IBM Extends x86 Server Lineup with AMD Processors "

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Also defines:  novel physics research, Extended Standard Model of Physics
Keywords:  novel physics research

Cross-references: radioactive decay, Neutrino, Conductors, computer, heat, molecules, types, solitons, neutron, group, detect, NIST, boundaries, waves, DNA, CAR, CARS, energy, module, work, power, systems

This is version 18 of Physics news, born on 2010-06-17, modified 2010-09-01.
Object id is 873, canonical name is PhysicsNews.
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