Ionel Solomon (b. 1929- in free, Greater Roumania) is a French-Roumanian physicist Member of the French Academy of Sciences, CNRS Research Director, Professor at the Polytechnic School in Paris.
- 1949–1951 PhD, Polytechnic School (École Polytechnique) in Paris
- 1951–1952 Research Fellow at the University of Liverpool, UK
- 1955–1956 Research Fellow at Harvard University, USA
- 1953-1962 Researcher in the resonance group of the Atomic energy Commission (Commissariat Energie Atomique in Saclay)
- 1962 Director of the Laboratory for Condensed Matter (Solid-State) Physics (Laboratoire de Physique de la Matiére Condensée), at the Polytechnic School in Paris
- 1962 Head of Research at C.N.R.S.
- 1962 Head of Conferences
- 1968 CNRS Research Director
- 1973-1976 Physics Departement Head at the Polytechnic School in Paris 1973-1974 President of the Societé FranÃ�aise de Physique (the French Physics Society).
- 1975-1979 Professor, at the Polytechnic School in Paris
- 1976 Invited Visiting Professor at the Xerox Research Center, Palo Alto,USA
- 1980 Invited Visiting Professor at Tokyo University
- 1981-1985 Founder and Scientific Director of SOLEMS Company
- 1987 President of the Scientific Council of PHOTOTRONICS (a French-german Company for dphotovoltaic products)
- 1988, June 22, Elected Member of the Physics Institute of the French Academy of Sciences
- Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics
Ionel Solomon made major contributions to the fields of: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), Solid-state physics, Semiconductors and Photovoltaics. In Nuclear Magnetic Resonance he derived fundamental equations that bear his name, and specify the nuclear spin-echo response and dipole-dipole interactions in solids (the Solomon equations).
- 1958 Grand Prix for Research (with Anatole Abragam and J. Combrisson)
- 1963 The CNRS Silver Medal
- 1969 Robin Prize of the French Physics Society (Societe Francaise de Physique)
- 1972 Holweck Prize of the Institute of Physics and S.F.P (French Physics Society)
- 1981 The Y. Peyches Prize of the Academy of Sciences
I. Solomon. "Amorphous Semiconductors", In “Topics in Applied Physics”, Ed. Springer Verlag, Berlin (1979).
I. Solomon. Relaxation Processes in a system of Two spins. Phys. Rev. 99, 559 (1955)
I. Solomon, M.P. Schmidt, H. Tran Quoc. Selective low-power plasma decomposition of silane-methane mixtures for the preparation of methylated amorphous silicon. Phys. Rev. B ,38: 9895 (1988)
I. Solomon, B. Drevillon, H. Shirai, N. Layadi. Plasma deposition of microcrystalline silicon: the selective etching model., J. Non-crystalline Solids, 164–166, p. 989 (1993).
K. Rerbal, F. Jomard, J.N. Chazalviel, F. Ozanam, I. Solomon. Visible luminescence of porous amorphous Si(1–x) Cx:H due to selective dissolution of silicon. Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, p. 45 (2003)
K. Kerbral, J.N. Chazalviel, F. Ozanam, I. Solomon. Temperature dependence of photoluminescence in amorphous Si1-xCx:H films. Eur. Phys. J., B51, p. 61 (2006).