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quantum space-times
This is a fundamental topic on quantum space-times viewed from general relativistic and quantum gravity (QG) standpoints, and includes, for example, quantum geometry fundamental notions.
The concept of quantum space-times (QST) is fundamental to the development of relativistic quantum theories and at this point it can only be broadly defined as a class of mathematical spaces that allow the construction of quantum physical theories in a manner consistent with both relativistic principles and quantum gravity. There is no universal agreement amongst either theoretical physicists or mathematicians who work on physical mathematics about either a specific definition of such quantum space-times or how to develop a valid classification theory of quantum space-times. However, several specific definitions or models were proposed and a list of such examples is presented next.
"quantum space-times" is owned by bci1.
See Also: overview of the content of PlanetPhysics, noncommutative geometry topic, Elementary particles topic, `elementary' particles
Also defines: |
quantum space-times, QST, QF, QG, TQFT, twistor representations, Heyting logic algebra as a subobject classifier, SUSY, AQFT, categories or spaces of quantized strings |
Keywords: |
quantum space-times, presheaves of local nets of quantum operators in algebraic QFT (AQFT), SUSY, categories or spaces of quantized strings |
Cross-references: string theories, quantum fields, algebraic, quantum operators, tangent spaces, manifolds, noncommutative geometry, noncommutative, QFTs, homotopy, quantum field theories, topological, classification, physical mathematics, work, quantum theories, concept, quantum geometry, quantum gravity
There are 34 references to this object.
This is version 5 of quantum space-times, born on 2009-02-18, modified 2009-04-19.
Object id is 541, canonical name is QuantumSpaceTimes.
Accessed 2870 times total.
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