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index of categories (Topic)

Index of categories

The following is a contributed listing, or Index of Categories:
  1. Dual category
  2. Double dual category, $V^{**}$
  3. Category of sets, $Set$ or $Ens$
  4. Cartesian closed category, or $Cc$-category
  5. category of molecular sets: a $Cc$-category
  6. Category of $(M,R)$–systems: a $Cc$-category
  7. Category of dynamical systems
  8. abelian categories: Grothendieck category, category of Abelian groups, category of sheaves of abelian groups, category of reversible automata $\mathcal{A}_R$
  9. Complete category
  10. Comma category
  11. $C_1$-category
  12. $C_2$-category
  13. $C_3$-category
  14. $Ab5$-category
  15. category of additive fractions
  16. Category of fractions
  17. Quotient category
  18. Grassmann category
  19. Category of groups
  20. Category of crossed modules of groups
  21. Category of crossed modules of algebroids
  22. Category of matrices
  23. Category of Abelian (or commutative) groups
  24. Category of Polish groups
  25. Category of Lie 2-groups, (also an example of internal category)
  26. Categorical groups
  27. Internal categories
  28. Monoidal category: a. symmetric, b. braided, c. closed
  29. Category of semigroups
  30. Category of rings
  31. Category of modules
  32. Category of crossed modules
  33. Category of crossed complexes
  34. groupoid category
  35. Category of topological spaces
  36. homotopy category
  37. Category of sheaves of abelian groups
  38. category of Riemannian manifolds
  39. Borel category
  40. Category of graphs: category of reflexive (or directed) graphs
  41. Category of paths on a graph
  42. Category of hypergraphs
  43. category of groupoids, Groupoid category
  44. Category of topological groupoids
  45. category of Borel groupoids
  46. Cohomology of small categories
  47. category of C*-algebras
  48. $2-C^*$ -category, ${\mathcal{C}^*}_2$
  49. Category of H $*$ -algebras
  50. category of Hilbert spaces
  51. category of automata
  52. category of quantum automata
  53. algebraic categories
  54. category of logic algebras
  55. Category of lattices
  56. Category of Boolean algebras
  57. Algebraic Category of Łukasiewicz-Moisil, $LM_n$–Algebras
  58. Category of Heyting algebras
  59. Category of topoi
  60. Category of genetic nets
  61. Category of quantum logic algebras
  62. R-category
  63. Category of algebroids
  64. Category of double algebroids
  65. Grassmann-Hopf algebroid category
  66. Topological category
  67. Galois category
  68. Subcategory
  69. Internal category
  70. Groupoid groups
  71. Groupoid category
  72. Fibered categories
  73. Non-Abelian categories
  74. Category of diagrams
  75. Functor category, or category of functors and functorial morphisms (natural transformations)
  76. Category of small categories
  77. Category of categories, super-category
  78. Supercategory
  79. Meta-category
  80. Category of functors, (or Functor category)
  81. 2-category; specific examples are: a Lie 2-group, Abelian 2-category, 2-category of commutative (or Abelian) groupoids.
  82. Double category
  83. n-category
  84. Double groupoid category

"index of categories" is owned by bci1.

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See Also: categorical algebra, algebraic topology

Other names:  category structures
Keywords:  categories

Cross-references: category of logic algebras, algebraic categories, category of quantum automata, category of automata, category of Hilbert spaces, category of C*-algebras, small categories, category of Borel groupoids, topological groupoids, category of groupoids, hypergraphs, graphs, category of Riemannian manifolds, homotopy category, topological, groupoid category, crossed complexes, modules, semigroups, Polish groups, matrices, algebroids, crossed modules, groups, category of additive fractions, Abelian groups, Grothendieck category, abelian categories, dynamical systems, category of molecular sets, category
There are 9 references to this object.

This is version 1 of index of categories, born on 2009-01-17.
Object id is 408, canonical name is IndexOfCategories.
Accessed 735 times total.

Physics Classification02. (Mathematical methods in physics)

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