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hydrostatic pressure (Topic)

By the hydrostatic pressure $p$ inside a liquid at a certain point is meant the force $F$ acted by the liquid perpendicularly on a test surface in the point divided by the area $A$ of the test surface:

$\displaystyle p := \frac{F}{A}$
  • The hydrostatic pressure is independent on the direction of the test surface.
  • The hydrostatic pressure does not depend on the form of the vessel containing the fluid.
  • The total force caused by the hydrostatic pressure on a horizontal area $A$ is same as the weight of the liquid column, which has the bottom $A$ and the height equal to the vertical distance $h$ of $A$ from the free surface of the liquid.  This is the hydrostatic paradox. Thus,

    $\displaystyle p = \frac{\varrho Ah\cdot g}{A} = \varrho hg,$
    where $\varrho$ is the density of the liquid and $g$ the acceleration due to gravity.

The above laws have been discovered and experimentally proved by Simon Stevin (1548–1620).

"hydrostatic pressure" is owned by pahio.

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Other names:  internal pressure of liquid at rest
Also defines:  hydrostatic pressure

Cross-references: acceleration

This is version 1 of hydrostatic pressure, born on 2006-10-15.
Object id is 224, canonical name is HydrostaticPressure.
Accessed 2942 times total.

Physics Classification62.10.+s (Mechanical properties of liquids )

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