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overview of algebraic topology
"overview of algebraic topology" is owned by bci1.
See Also: non-Abelian algebraic topology
Also defines: |
omega-groupoid, higher homotopy, algebraic topology, nonabelian algebraic topology, manifold, homology group, cohomology theory, nonabelian theory, quantum geometry, quantum algebra, quantum algebraic topology, category thyeory, noncommutative geometry |
Keywords: |
overview, algebraic topology, nonabelian, algebraic topology invarinats, groupoid, topological space, higher homotopy theory, higher homotopy van Kampen theorem, crossed complex, module, omega-groupoid, double groupoid |
Cross-references: omega-groupoids, modules, crossed complexes, homology group, crossed modules, double groupoids, pushout, topological groupoid, fundamental groupoid, concepts, groups, fundamental group, QAT, HDA, higher dimensional algebra, natural transformations, functors, indexes of category, category theory applications, groupoids, fundamental groups, homotopy theory, cohomology groups, homotopy, theorems, duality, classification, topological, algebraic
There are 66 references to this object.
This is version 7 of overview of algebraic topology, born on 2010-10-07, modified 2010-10-10.
Object id is 881, canonical name is OverviewOfAlgebraicTopology.
Accessed 1350 times total.
Pending Errata and Addenda