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topic entry on Wikipedia physics & mathematics entries and exchange projects
This is a contributed topic on physics, as well as mathematics, entries and exchange projects on Wikipedia.
There are over 600 PM and PlanetPhysics entries that are partially incorporated in existing Wikipedia websites' materials. Furthermore there is also an exchange project between Wikipedia and PlanetMath.org. The PM website on Wikipedia curently lists a number of important Internet and web resources for physics and mathematics that are freely accessible.
PlanetPhysics.org members who have entries on Wikipedia may transfer or incorporate their entries on PlanetPhysics, with the appropriate acknowledgement of the free use of their GNU license documents on Wikipedia. Conversely, Wikipedia members are also able to freely transfer or partially incorporate their entries content from PlanetPhysics also to Wikipedia under the free GNU license terms. Often this involves at present a change in the TeX version utilized, with a different look and feel in the graphics-rich environment on Wikipedia.
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"topic entry on Wikipedia physics & mathematics entries and exchange projects" is owned by bci1.
Other names: |
Wikipedia projects and exchanges |
Also defines: |
PlanetPhysics.org exchange with Wikipedia, PM website on Wikipedia |
Keywords: |
Wikipedia Physics Project, [[WP-PHYS]] |
This is version 6 of topic entry on Wikipedia physics & mathematics entries and exchange projects, born on 2009-05-14, modified 2009-05-14.
Object id is 755, canonical name is WikipediaPhysicsMathematicsEntriesAndExchangeProjects.
Accessed 789 times total.
Pending Errata and Addenda