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Physics Library Encyclopedia
(browse by subject)
- 1 entry
1 - 5 entries
2 - 14 entries
3 - 4 entries
4 - 5 entries
A - 177 entries
B - 105 entries
C - 340 entries
D - 124 entries
E - 138 entries
F - 133 entries
G - 156 entries
H - 153 entries
I - 80 entries
J - 24 entries
K - 23 entries
L - 112 entries
M - 196 entries
N - 172 entries
NAAT (=quantum Riemannian geometry) owned by bci1
NAAT (=noncommutative geometry topic) owned by bci1
NAAT (in quantum Riemannian geometry) owned by bci1
NAAT (=non-Abelian algebraic topology) owned by bci1
NAAT (in non-Abelian algebraic topology) owned by bci1
naked singularity (in quantum gravity programs) owned by bci1
nano-automaton (=quantum automata) owned by bci1
nanodevice (=quantum nano-automata) owned by bci1
nanometer resolution microscopy (in scanning force microscopy (SFM)) owned by bci1
nanorobot (=quantum nano-automata) owned by bci1
nanospectroscopy (in spectroscopy areas) owned by bci1
NAP (in topic on mathematical physics and physical mathematics applications) owned by bci1
NA-QAT (=noncommutative geometry topic) owned by bci1
NAQAT (=noncommutative geometry topic) owned by bci1
NAQAT (in generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional) owned by bci1
NAQAT (in non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology) owned by bci1
NAQAT (=non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology) owned by bci1
natural isomorphism (in derivation of cohomology group theorem) owned by bci1
naturality condition (in category theory) owned by bci1
natural transformation (in natural transformations of organismic structures) owned by bci1
natural transformations of organismic structures owned by bci1
n-category (=n-groupoid) owned by bci1
NCG (in topic on mathematical physics and physical mathematics applications) owned by bci1
near infrared spectrocopy (in principles of NIR spectroscopy) owned by vip6
necessary condition of convergence (in harmonic series) owned by pahio
negative spin temperature (in principles of thermodynamics) owned by bci1
net of observable algebras over Minkowski (4D) spacetime (in algebraic quantum field theories (AQFT)) owned by bci1
Netwon's 2nd law (in Newton's laws of motion) owned by bloftin
Netwon's laws (in physical laws) owned by bci1
network system with variable topology (in variable topology) owned by bci1
neutralinos (in Higgs boson simulation) owned by bci1
Neutrino owned by metalac
neutrino rest mass (in notations of fundamental concepts in physics) owned by bci1
neutrinos and positrons (in Elementary particles topic) owned by bci1
neutron detector (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
neutron diffractometer (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
neutron facility (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
neutron inelastic scattering (in magnons) owned by bci1
neutron momentum distribution (in Efimov states) owned by bci1
neutrons (in Elementary particles topic) owned by bci1
Newtonian mechanics (in Mathematical structure of physical theories) owned by bci1
Newton's 1st law (in Newton's laws of motion) owned by bloftin
Newton's 3rd law (in Newton's laws of motion) owned by bloftin
Newton's law of gravitation (in physical laws) owned by bci1
Newton's laws (=Newton's laws of motion) owned by bloftin
Newton's laws of motion owned by bloftin
NF (in topic on applied mathematical physics and physical mathematics) owned by bci1
n-groupoid owned by bci1
n-groupoids owned by bci1
Nicolae Popescu owned by bci1
Nicolae Popescu (mathematician) owned by bci1
Nicolas Rashevsky owned by bci1
NIR (in principles of NIR spectroscopy) owned by vip6
NIR (in spectroscopy areas) owned by bci1
NIR absorption band (in principles of NIR spectroscopy) owned by vip6
NIR absorption frequencies (in principles of NIR spectroscopy) owned by vip6
NIR imaging (in spectroscopy areas) owned by bci1
NIR overtones (in principles of NIR spectroscopy) owned by vip6
NIRS (in principles of NIR spectroscopy) owned by vip6
NIST (in qubit and qudit) owned by bci1
n-level quantum system (in qubit and qudit) owned by bci1
$n-local fields$ (in Nicolae Popescu) owned by bci1
NLS equations (in quantum solitons) owned by bci1
NMR (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
NMR (in spectroscopy areas) owned by bci1
NMRI (in spectroscopy areas) owned by bci1
NMRI (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
NMR relaxation (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
NMR relaxation times (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
NMR spectroscopy (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
NMR spectrum (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
NNC (in topic on applied mathematical physics and physical mathematics) owned by bci1
NOE (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
non-Abelian (in non-Abelian theory) owned by bci1
nonabelian (in non-Abelian theory) owned by bci1
nonabelian (=non-Abelian theory) owned by bci1
non-Abelian (in algebraic topology) owned by bci1
non-Abelian (in non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology) owned by bci1
nonabelian algebraic topology (in quantum Riemannian geometry) owned by bci1
nonabelian algebraic topology (=quantum Riemannian geometry) owned by bci1
nonabelian algebraic topology (=noncommutative geometry topic) owned by bci1
non--Abelian algebraic topology (in non-Abelian algebraic topology) owned by bci1
nonabelian algebraic topology (in overview of algebraic topology) owned by bci1
non-Abelian algebraic topology owned by bci1
non-Abelian algebraic topology applied to physics (=categorical physics) owned by bci1
non-Abelian category (in non-Abelian theory) owned by bci1
non-Abelian geometry (=quantum Riemannian geometry) owned by bci1
nonabelian higher homotopy (in generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional) owned by bci1
non-Abelian higher homotopy (in generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional) owned by bci1
non-Abelian physical theories (in Axioms of Physics) owned by bci1
non-Abelian physical theories (in Fundamental physical concepts) owned by bci1
Non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology (in non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology) owned by bci1
non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology (in generalized Van Kampen theorems (HD-GVKT) -- higher dimensional) owned by bci1
non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology owned by bci1
non-Abelian theory owned by bci1
non-Abelian theory (in non-Abelian Quantum Algebraic Topology) owned by bci1
nonabelian theory (in overview of algebraic topology) owned by bci1
non-Abelian Topology (=quantum Riemannian geometry) owned by bci1
non-associative structures (in Lie algebras) owned by bci1
non-autonomous systems of first-order DEs (in time-dependent harmonic oscillators) owned by bci1
non-commutative (in non-Abelian theory) owned by bci1
noncommutative (in non-Abelian theory) owned by bci1
non-commutative algebra (in C*-Clifford algebra) owned by bci1
non-commutative algebra (in Morita equivalence lemma for arbitrary algebras) owned by bci1
non-commutative diagram (in non-commutative dynamic modeling diagrams) owned by bci1
non-commutative dynamic modeling diagrams owned by bci1
non-commutative geometry (=quantum Riemannian geometry) owned by bci1
non-commutative geometry (=noncommutative geometry topic) owned by bci1
noncommutative geometry (in overview of algebraic topology) owned by bci1
noncommutative geometry topic owned by bci1
noncommutative geometry with elliptic operators (=Baum-Connes conjecture) owned by bci1
noncommutative group (in non-Abelian theory) owned by bci1
noncommutative groupoid (in non-Abelian theory) owned by bci1
non-commutative integral generalizations (in table of Laplace transforms) owned by pahio
noncommutative ring (in non-Abelian theory) owned by bci1
non-commutative structure owned by bci1
noncommutative topology (=quantum Riemannian geometry) owned by bci1
noncommutative topology (=noncommutative geometry topic) owned by bci1
non-comutative structure (in non-commutative structure) owned by bci1
nonconductor (=insulator) owned by bloftin
noninertial reference frame Galilean invariance (in reference frames in newtonian physics) owned by mdo
non-linear electron excitation of plasma waves owned by bci1
non-linear equations (in time-dependent harmonic oscillators) owned by bci1
nonlinear equations (in time-dependent harmonic oscillators) owned by bci1
non-Newtonian (in topic on applied mathematical physics and physical mathematics) owned by bci1
non Newtonian (in topic on applied mathematical physics and physical mathematics) owned by bci1
non-Newtonian calculi owned by vip6
non-Newtonian calculi (=non-Newtonian calculi) owned by vip6
norm (in Hilbert space) owned by bci1
normal distribution (in probability distribution functions in physics) owned by bci1
norm induced by inner product (in Hilbert space) owned by bci1
North Celestial Pole (in Celestial Poles) owned by bloftin
north circumpolar zone (in Celestial Poles) owned by bloftin
notations of fundamental concepts in physics owned by bci1
novel physics research (in Physics news) owned by bci1
N-state net models (in gene nets: physical and mathematical models) owned by bci1
$n$-supercategory (in supercategory theories) owned by bci1
$n$-supercategory (=supercategory theories) owned by bci1
n-supercategory (=supercategory theories) owned by bci1
n-tuple algebroid (in n-tuple algebroids) owned by bci1
n-tuple algebroids owned by bci1
n-tuple quantum algebroids with Haar measure (in higher dimensional quantum algebroids) owned by bci1
n-tuple quantum algebroids with Haar measures (=higher dimensional quantum algebroids) owned by bci1
\nu (in notations of fundamental concepts in physics) owned by bci1
nuclear binding energy (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
nuclear C*-algebra owned by bci1
Nuclear Engineering (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
nuclear field (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
nuclear fission reactor (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
nuclear forces (in quantum chromodynamics (QCD)) owned by bci1
nuclear Frechet space (=rigged Hilbert space) owned by bci1
nuclear fusion fuels (in fundamentals of nuclear physics) owned by bci1
nuclear fusion reactor (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
nuclear induction decay (in Felix Bloch) owned by bci1
nuclear interactions (in fundamentals of nuclear physics) owned by bci1
nuclear magnetic resonance principles owned by bci1
Nuclear Medicine (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
nuclear physics (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
Nuclear Physics 101 (=fundamentals of nuclear physics) owned by bci1
nuclear polarization (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
nuclear reactors (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
nuclear spin level (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
nuclear spin tomography (in 2D-FT MR- Imaging and related Nobel awards) owned by bci1
nuclear spin transition (in nuclear magnetic resonance principles) owned by bci1
Nuclear Stability Curve (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
nuclear structure (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
nucleons (in quarks and QCD gluons) owned by bci1
nucleons (in Elementary particles topic) owned by bci1
nucleon structure (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
nuclides (in Atomic and nuclear structure) owned by bci1
N-valued logic algebras (=algebraic category of LMn -logic algebras) owned by bci1
O - 47 entries
P - 129 entries
Q - 229 entries
R - 113 entries
S - 275 entries
T - 176 entries
U - 41 entries
V - 65 entries
W - 42 entries
X - 9 entries
Y - 9 entries
Z - 10 entries
850 entries total.
2753 concepts total.

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