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algebraic categories and representations of classes of algebras
Classes of algebras can be categorized at least in two types: either classes of specific algebras, such as: group algebras, K-algebras, groupoid algebras, logic algebras, and so on, or general ones, such as general classes of: categorical algebras, higher dimensional algebra (HDA), supercategorical algebras, universal algebras, and so on.
- a. Algebraic category definition
- b. Equivalence classes
Remark 0.2 Although all classes can be regarded as equivalence, weak equivalence, etc., classes of algebras (either specific or general ones), do not define identical, or even isomorphic structures, as the notion of `equivalence' can have more than one meaning even in the algebraic case.
- group representations
- groupoid representations
- Convolution C*-algebra groupoid representations
- Functorial representations and representable functors
- Categorical group representations
- Algebroid representations
- Quantum Algebroid (QA) representations
- Double groupoid representations
- Double Algebroid representations
- Grassman-Hopf representations
"algebraic categories and representations of classes of algebras" is owned by bci1.
See Also: complex categorical dynamics
Also defines: |
functorial representations, categorical group representation, monad, monad functor, algebraic category, representations, T-algebra, algebraic and group representations, class of algebra, Eilenberg-Moore category of algebras, convolution C*-algebra groupoid representations, algebroid representations, double groupoid representations, double algebroid representations, quantum algebroid |
Keywords: |
representations of classes of algebras, monad, monad functor, algebraic category, representations, T-algebra, algebraic and group representations, class of algebra, Eilenberg-Moore category of algebras, convolution C*-algebra groupoid representations, algebroid representations, double groupoid representations, double algebroid representations, quantum algebroid, monads, adjoint pairs, monadic functors, Eilenberg-Moore category of algebras, adjointness and natural transformations, category equivalence |
Cross-references: representable functors, groupoid representations, group representations, monadic, category of C*-algebras, groupoid homomorphisms, morphisms, natural transformations, functors, category, groupoid category, object, algebraic, HDA, higher dimensional algebra, categorical algebras, groupoid, group, types
There are 118 references to this object.
This is version 7 of algebraic categories and representations of classes of algebras, born on 2009-01-24, modified 2009-04-17.
Object id is 422, canonical name is AlgebraicCategoriesAndRepresentationsOfClassesOfAlgebras.
Accessed 3866 times total.
Pending Errata and Addenda