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Lorentz force law (Definition)

For given electric and magnetic fields, the force on a particle with charge $q$ is determined by multiplying the charge by the electric field plus the cross product of the particle's velocity with the magnetic field. This relationship is known as the Lorentz force law

$\displaystyle \mathbf{F} = q \left ( \mathbf{E} + \mathbf{v} \times \mathbf{B} \right ) $

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"Lorentz force law" is owned by bloftin.

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See Also: Maxwell's equations

Other names:  Lorentz force

Cross-references: velocity, cross product, electric field, charge, magnetic fields
There are 3 references to this object.

This is version 1 of Lorentz force law, born on 2008-09-01.
Object id is 294, canonical name is LorentzForceLaw.
Accessed 1203 times total.

Physics Classification41.20.Gz (Magnetostatics; magnetic shielding, magnetic induction, boundary-value problems)
 41.20.-q (Applied classical electromagnetism)

Pending Errata and Addenda
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Lorentz Force Law by wmccutchen on 2008-09-08 01:00:14
The recent entry for the Lorentz Force Law illustrates why physics teaching is failing: no examples illustrating the rule for calculation, no unit of measurement for the force (Newtons?), no explanation of why opposite charges go opposite directions, no practical applications, just an opaque formula that is unintelligible to a beginner.  That's not enough, and it just makes the beginner think that learning physics is impossible and irrelevant.  Reminds me of Luke 11:11.  When students need bread, it is cruel to give them a rock to chew instead.      
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