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boolean-valued function (Definition)

A boolean-valued function is a function of type $f : X \to \mathbb{B}$, where $X$ is an arbitrary set and where $\mathbb{B}$ is a boolean domain.

A boolean function (of finite arity $k$) is a boolean-valued function of type $f : \mathbb{B}^k \to \mathbb{B}$.

In some contexts a boolean-valued function may be referred to as a predicate or a proposition. In other contexts these terms may be used to describe the syntactic entities that denote or express boolean-valued functions, or that have boolean-valued functions among their canonical or intended models. When necessary to avoid confusion, terms like propositional expression or predicate formula may be used to distinguish signs from their objects.

"boolean-valued function" is owned by Jon Awbrey.

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See Also: boolean domain

Other names:  characteristic function, indicator function, predicate, proposition
Also defines:  boolean function

Cross-references: arity, boolean domain, type, function
There are 32 references to this object.

This is version 2 of boolean-valued function, born on 2009-05-20, modified 2009-05-20.
Object id is 766, canonical name is BooleanValuedFunction.
Accessed 1791 times total.

Physics Classification02. (Mathematical methods in physics)
 02.10.Ab (Logic and set theory)
 02.10.Hh (Rings and algebras)
 02.10.Ox (Combinatorics; graph theory)
 02.50.Cw (Probability theory)
 02.50.Tt (Inference methods)
 02.70.Wz (Symbolic computation )

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