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superfluid (Definition)

A superfluid is described as a macroscopically coherent quantum system $S_F$ that exhibits `unusual' properties such as negligible losses or no resistance to flows. Therefore, it is defined as a phase that exhibits most unusual effects, previously considered to be anomalous from a Thermodynamic viewpoint, that can be however explained in terms of quantum statistical theory/quantum statistical mechanics and long-range coherence of coupled boson systems. Such theories are, for example, L. D. Landau's phenomenological/ microscopic theory of superfluidity in liquid $^4$He (the 1962 Nobel Prize in Physics), and Sir Anthony Leggett's quantum statistical theory of superfluidity in liquid $^3$He (the 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics shared with Alexei A. Abrikosov).

As an example, in a superconductor the long-ranged coupled Cooper electron pairs form a superfluid that sustains very high electric currents without any significant heating of the metal. Liquid $^3$He is another example of a superfluid where the liquid flow can take place upwards in the absence of externally applied pressure and no apparent resistance to flow–no viscosity.

"superfluid" is owned by bci1.

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Also defines:  supefluid $^3$He, liquid $^4$He, Cooper (electron) pairs, long-range coupling, superconductivity, coupled boson systems, quantum statistical theories, quantum statistical mechanics
Keywords:  supefluid $^3$He, liquid $^4$He, Cooper (electron) pairs, long-range coupling, superconductivity, coupled boson systems, quantum statistical theories, quantum statistical mechanics

Cross-references: statistical mechanics, Thermodynamic, resistance, system
There are 13 references to this object.

This is version 8 of superfluid, born on 2009-05-09, modified 2009-05-09.
Object id is 741, canonical name is Superfluid2.
Accessed 1797 times total.

Physics Classification02. (Mathematical methods in physics)
 03. (Quantum mechanics, field theories, and special relativity )
 03.65.Fd (Algebraic methods )

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