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cohomology group theorem (Theorem)

The following theorem involves Eilenberg-MacLane spaces in relation to cohomology groups for connected CW-complexes.

Theorem 0.1   Cohomology group theorem for connected CW-complexes ([1]):

Let $K(\pi,n)$ be Eilenberg-MacLane spaces for connected CW complexes $X$, Abelian groups $\pi$ and integers $n {\geqslant}0$. Let us also consider the set of non-basepointed homotopy classes $[X, K(\pi,n)]$ of non-basepointed maps $\eta :X \to K(\pi,n)$ and the cohomolgy groups $\overline{H}^n(X;\pi)$. Then, there exist the following natural isomorphisms:

$\displaystyle [X, K(\pi,n)] \cong \overline{H}^n(X;\pi),$ (0.1)
Proof. For a complete proof of this theorem the reader is referred to ref. [1] $\qedsymbol$

Related remarks:

  1. In order to determine all cohomology operations one needs only to compute the cohomology of all Eilenberg-MacLane spaces $K(\pi,n)$; (source: ref [1]);
  2. When $n = 1$, and $\pi$ is non-Abelian, one still has that $[X,K(\pi ,1)] \cong Hom(\pi_1(X),\pi)/\pi$, that is, the conjugacy class or representation of $\pi_1$ into $\pi$;
  3. A derivation of this result based on the fundamental cohomology theorem is also attached.


May, J.P. 1999. A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology, The University of Chicago Press: Chicago.,p.173.

"cohomology group theorem" is owned by bci1.

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Other names:  fundamental cohomology theorem
Also defines:  conjugacy class or representation of into, set of based homotopy classes of based maps
Keywords:  Cohomology group theorem for connected CW-complexes, Abelian and non-Abelian groups, the cohomology group theorem, cohomology group, homotopy group, theorem on the equivalence of homology and homotopy groups, natural isomorphisms, fundamental cohomology theorem, reference to proof of theorem

derivation of cohomology group theorem (Derivation) by bci1

Cross-references: representation, non-Abelian, operations, natural isomorphisms, homotopy, Abelian groups, cohomology groups, relation, theorem

This is version 5 of cohomology group theorem, born on 2009-01-26, modified 2009-01-27.
Object id is 436, canonical name is CohomologyGroupTheorem.
Accessed 945 times total.

Physics Classification02. (Mathematical methods in physics)
 03. (Quantum mechanics, field theories, and special relativity )
 03.65.Fd (Algebraic methods )

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