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tangential Cauchy-Riemann complexes (Topic)

Tangential Cauchy-Riemann complexes

Introduction: Cauchy-Riemann ($CR$) manifolds and generic submanifolds

Let $X$ be a complex manifold of complex dimension $n$. If $M$ is a $\mathcal{C}^{\infty}$-smooth real submanifold of real codimension $k$ in $X$, let us denote by $T_{\tau}^{\mathbb{C}} (M)$ the tangential complex space at $\tau \in M$. Such a manifold $M$ can be locally represented in the form: $M = { z \in \Omega \vert \rho_1(z)=...= \rho_k(z)=0}$, where all $\rho_i , 1 \leq i \leq k$ are real $\mathcal{C}^{\infty}$–functions in an open subset $\Omega$ of X. The submanifold $M$ is called $CR$ if the number $dim_{\mathbb{C}} T_{\tau}^{\mathbb{C}} (M)$ is independent of the point $\tau \in M$. A submanifold $M_g$ is called CR generic if $dim_{\mathbb{C}} T_{\tau}^{\mathbb{C}} (M_g)= (n-k)$ for every $\tau \in M$.

Definition of Tangential Cauchy-Riemann complexes

Definition 0.1  

Let us consider $M_g$ to be an oriented $\mathcal{C}^{\infty}$-smooth $CR$ generic submanifold of real codimension $k$ in an $n$-dimensional complex manifold $X$, and let us denote by $\mathsf{S_M}$ the ideal sheaf in the Grassmann algebra ${\mathcal E}$ of germs of complex valued $\mathcal{C}^{\infty}$–forms on $X$, that are locally generated by functions (which vanish on $M_g$), and by their anti-holomorphic differentials. One also has on $X$ the Dolbeault complexes for the sheaves of germs of smooth forms:

$\displaystyle \begin{xy} *!C\xybox{ \xymatrix{ {\mathcal E}^{p,*} : 0 \to {\mat... ...cdots \ar[r]^{\overline {\partial}} & {\mathcal E}^{p,n}\ar[r] & 0 } } \end{xy}$

where ${\mathcal E}^{p,j}$ is the sheaf of germs of complex valued $\mathcal{C}^{\infty}$–forms of bidegree $(p,j)$, for $p,j \leq n$. Let us also set $\mathsf{S_M}^{p,j} = \mathsf{S_M} \bigcup {\mathcal E}^{p,j} $. As $\overline{\partial}\mathsf{S_M}^{p,j} \subset \mathsf{S_M}^{p,j+1}$, for each $0 \leq p \leq n$ we now have the categorical sequence of subcomplexes of the complex ${\mathcal E}^{p,*}$ written as :

$\displaystyle \begin{xy} *!C\xybox{ \xymatrix{ {\mathsf{S_M}^{p,*}}: 0 \to {\ma... ...dots \ar[r]^{\overline{\partial}} & {\mathsf{S_M}^{p,n}}\ar[r] & 0.} } \end{xy}$

Therefore, we also have the quotient complexes ${\mathcal E}^{p,*}$ defined by the exact sequences of fine sheaves complexes:

$\displaystyle \begin{xy} *!C\xybox{ \xymatrix{ {0} \to {\mathsf{S_M}^{p,*}} \ar... ...l E}^{p,*} \ar[r]& \cdots \ar[r] & [{\mathcal E}^{p,*}]\ar[r] & 0. } } \end{xy}$

With the induced differentials denoted by $\overline{\partial_M}$ we can now write the quotient complex–which is called the tangential Cauchy-Riemann complex of $\mathcal{C}^{\infty}$–smooth forms– as follows:

$\displaystyle \begin{xy} *!C\xybox{ \xymatrix{ [{\mathcal E}^{p,*}]: 0 \to [{E}... ...s \ar[r]^{\overline{\partial_M}} & [{\mathcal E}^{p,n}]\ar[r] & 0. } } \end{xy}$

Remarks: There are two distinct ways of defining the tangential Cauchy-Riemann complex:

  • an extrinsic approach that uses the $\overline{\partial_M}$ of the ambient $C^n$;
  • an intrinsic approach that does not utilize the ambient $C^n$, and thus generalizes to abstract $CR$ manifolds (viz. A. Bogess, 2000).

For further, full details the reader is referred to the recent textbook by Burgess (2000) on this subject.

The cohomology groups of $[{\mathcal E}^{p,*}]$ on $M \bigcap U$, for $U$ being an open subset of $X$, are then appropriately denoted here as $H_{\infty}^{p,j}(M\bigcap U)$.


Christine Laurent-Thiébaut and J'́urgen Leiterer: Dolbeault Isomorphism for CR Manifolds (preprint). Prépublication de l'Institut Fourier no. 521 (2000).
M. Nacinovich and G. Valli, Tangential Cauchy-Riemann complexes on distributions, Ann. Math. Pure Appl., 146 (1987): 123–169.
A. Boggess, 2000. $CR$ Manifolds and the Tangential Cauchy-Riemann Complex, Boca Raton: CRC Press (Book Abstract and Contents on line; see also the PM book reference).
Sorin Dragomir and Giuseppe Tomassini, 2006. Differential geometry and analysis on CR manifolds, Progress in Mathematics, vol. 246, Birkh'́auser, Basel. (avail. review in PDF)

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Also defines:  Cauchy-Riemann complex, Cauchy-Riemann manifold, generic submanifold
Keywords:  tangential Cauchy-Riemann complex, Cauchy-Riemann manifold, generic submanifold

Cross-references: cohomology groups, categorical sequence, functions, manifold

This is version 5 of tangential Cauchy-Riemann complexes, born on 2009-04-19, modified 2009-04-19.
Object id is 667, canonical name is TangentialCauchyRiemannComplex.
Accessed 816 times total.

Physics Classification00. (GENERAL)
 02. (Mathematical methods in physics)

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