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Physics Library Encyclopedia
(browse by subject)
- 1 entry
1 - 5 entries
2 - 14 entries
(2+1)-dimensional quantum gravity (in quantum geometry) owned by bci1
2-category owned by bci1
2-category of double groupoids owned by bci1
2-C*-category owned by bci1
2D FFT (in two-dimensional Fourier transforms) owned by bci1
2D Fourier transforms (=two-dimensional Fourier transforms) owned by bci1
2D FT (in two-dimensional Fourier transforms) owned by bci1
2D-FT MR- Imaging and related Nobel awards owned by bci1
2D Laplace transform (in table of Laplace transforms) owned by pahio
2D-LT (in table of Laplace transforms) owned by pahio
2D-projection (in ballistics (2D)) owned by vip6
2D quantum tomography (=2D-FT MR- Imaging and related Nobel awards) owned by bci1
2-groupoid (in n-groupoids) owned by bci1
2-groupoid (in n-groupoid) owned by bci1
3 - 4 entries
4 - 5 entries
A - 177 entries
B - 105 entries
C - 340 entries
D - 124 entries
E - 138 entries
F - 133 entries
G - 156 entries
H - 153 entries
I - 80 entries
J - 24 entries
K - 23 entries
L - 112 entries
M - 196 entries
N - 172 entries
O - 47 entries
P - 129 entries
Q - 229 entries
R - 113 entries
S - 275 entries
T - 176 entries
U - 41 entries
V - 65 entries
W - 42 entries
X - 9 entries
Y - 9 entries
Z - 10 entries
850 entries total.
2753 concepts total.

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