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Paper: Multiagent chemotherapy for early breast cancer
Multiagent chemotherapy for early breast cancer
Authors: Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group
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- Comments:
- Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008;(4):CD000487.
- Abstract:
- A quote of results from the group's conclusions: " Some months of adjuvant polychemotherapy (eg, with CMF or an anthracycline-containing regimen) typically produces an absolute improvement of about 7-11% in 10-year survival for women aged under 50 at presentation with early
breast cancer, and of about 2-3% for those aged 50-69 (unless their prognosis is likely to be extremely good even without such
treatment). Treatment decisions involve consideration not only of improvements in cancer recurrence and survival but also of
adverse side-effects of treatment, and this report makes no recommendations as to who should or should not be treated.
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Pending Errata and Addenda