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non-linear electron excitation of plasma waves (Experiment)

Electron Acceleration by Non-linear Plasma Wave Excitation

Consider an electron pulse (or “bunch”) of average density $\rho_B$ and average bunch velocity $\vec{v} _B$ in a surrounding plasma of average electron density $n_P$. One is interested in deriving the propagation equations for plasma waves with relativistic phase velocities. A simplifying assumption is the presence of relatively slow moving ions at a very small fraction of the speed of light c which is realistic for plasma ion temperatures of less than 10,000 K. One may also neglect in a first approximation the influence of the excited wake-field that affects the time-evolution of the electron pulse shape. Furthermore, one can consider the configuration of a cylindrical plasma in the absence of external magnetic fields; along the plasma containing tube $z$- axis one has a one-dimensional system for which Maxwell's equations can be written in the following simplified form for the electrical field $\vec{E}$, average electron velocity in plasma $v$, charge density $\rho = {\rho}_B + \delta n_P$, current density

$\displaystyle i = [(n_P +\delta n_P) v ~+ ~n_B v_B ]e$

and perturbed electron density $+\delta n_P$:
$\displaystyle \partial E / \partial z = 4\pi \rho$

$\displaystyle \partial E /\partial E t = - 4\pi i $


The equation of motion of a plasma electron with momentum $p_e$ in the wake of a relativistic electron bunch of average velocity $\vec{v} _B$ can be then written as:

$\displaystyle \partial p_e / \partial t = e E. $

Because the driving electron pulse has a relativistic average velocity one can expect solutions of the equations of motion to be of the form of travelling waves:

$\displaystyle E(z,t) = E (z~ - ~ v_B t)$


Molecular dynamics experiments or computer simulations that include these equations provide results in the form of numerical data that are consistent with such travelling wave solutions.

"non-linear electron excitation of plasma waves" is owned by bci1.

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See Also: topic on applied mathematical physics and physical mathematics

Also defines:  electron pulse, plasma electron, plasma ion temperature, plasma wave excitation, excited wake-field, average electron velocity in plasma, current density in plasma, relativistic phase velocities, molecular dynamics, MD, molecular dynamics experiments, molecular dynamics simulations
Keywords:  electron acceleration by non-linear plasma wave excitation

Cross-references: computer simulations, momentum, motion, charge, field, Maxwell's equations, system, magnetic fields, speed of light, waves, plasma, velocity
There are 6 references to this object.

This is version 16 of non-linear electron excitation of plasma waves, born on 2009-06-08, modified 2009-09-10.
Object id is 791, canonical name is PlasmaWaveExcitation.
Accessed 2575 times total.

Physics Classification00. (GENERAL)
 02. (Mathematical methods in physics)
 03. (Quantum mechanics, field theories, and special relativity )

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