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differential logic (Definition)

Differential logic is the component of logic whose object is the description of variation — for example, the aspects of change, difference, distribution, and diversity — in universes of discourse that are subject to logical description. In formal logic, differential logic treats the principles that govern the use of a differential logical calculus, that is, a formal system with the expressive capacity to describe change and diversity in logical universes of discourse.

A simple example of a differential logical calculus is furnished by a differential propositional calculus. This extends an ordinary propositional calculus in the same way that differential calculus extends analytic geometry.


"differential logic" is owned by Jon Awbrey.

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See Also: differential propositional calculus, differential propositional calculus : appendix 1, differential propositional calculus : appendix 2, differential propositional calculus : appendix 3, differential propositional calculus : appendix 4, minimal negation operator, analytics and formal logics- metatheories, general dynamic systems, axioms: metatheories and general theories, groupoid C*-dynamical system

Cross-references: universes of discourse
There is 1 reference to this object.

This is version 7 of differential logic, born on 2009-05-15, modified 2009-06-18.
Object id is 758, canonical name is DifferentialLogic.
Accessed 629 times total.

Physics Classification02. (Mathematical methods in physics)
 02.10.Ab (Logic and set theory)
 02.10.Ox (Combinatorics; graph theory)
 02.10.Ud (Linear algebra)
 02.20.-a (Group theory )
 02.30.-f (Function theory, analysis)
 02.40.-k (Geometry, differential geometry, and topology )
 02.40.Yy (Geometric mechanics )
 02.50.Tt (Inference methods)
 02.70.-c (Computational techniques )
 02.70.Bf (Finite-difference methods)
 02.70.Wz (Symbolic computation )

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