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Constellations (Definition)

The backdrop for the motions of the "wanderers" in the sky is the canopy of stars. If there were no clouds in the sky and we were on a flat plain with nothing to obstruct our view, we could see about 3000 stars with the unaided eye. To find their way around such a multitude, the ancients found groupings of stars that made some familiar geometric pattern or (more rarely) resembled something they knew. Each civilization found its own patterns in the stars, much like a modern Rorschach test in which you are asked to discern patterns or pictures in a set of inkblots. The ancient Chinese, Egyptians, and Greeks, among others, found their own groupings or constellations of stars. These were helpful in navigating among the stars and in passing their star lore on to their children.

You may be familiar with some of the old star patterns we still use today, such as the Big Dipper, Little Dipper, and Orion the hunter, with his distinctive belt of three stars (Figure 1). However, many of the stars we see are not part of a distinctive star pattern at all, and a telescope reveals millions of stars too faint for the eye to see. Therefore, during the early decades of the 20th century, astronomers from many countries decided to establish a more formal system for organizing the sky.

Figure: 1. Orion. (a) The winter constellation of Orion, the hunter, is surrounded by neighboring constellations, as illustrated in the seventeenth-century atlas by Hevelius. (b) A photograph shows the Orion region in the sky. Note the three blue stars that make up the belt of the hunter. The bright red star above the belt denotes his armpit and is called Betelgeuse (pronounced "Beetel-juice"). The bright blue star below the belt is his foot and is called Rigel. (credit a: modification of work by Johannes Hevelius; b: modification of work by Matthew Spinelli)
Image Orion

Today, we use the term constellation to mean one of 88 sectors into which we divide the sky, much as the United States is divided into 50 states. The modern boundaries between the constellations are imaginary lines in the sky running north-south and east-west, so that each point in the sky falls in a specific constellation, although, like the states, not all constellations are the same size. Whenever possible, we have named each modern constellation after the Latin translations of one of the ancient Greek star patterns that lies within it. Thus, the modern constellation of Orion is a kind of box on the sky, which includes, among many other objects, the stars that made up the ancient picture of the hunter. Some people use the term asterism to denote an especially noticeable star pattern within a constellation (or sometimes spanning parts of several constellations). For example, the Big Dipper is an asterism within the constellation of Ursa Major, the Big Bear.

Students are sometimes puzzled because the constellations seldom resemble the people or animals for which they were named. In all likelihood, the Greeks themselves did not name groupings of stars because they looked like actual people or subjects (any more than the outline of Washington state resembles George Washington). Rather, they named sections of the sky in honor of the characters in their mythology and then fit the star configurations to the animals and people as best they could.

List of The Constellations

Constellation (Latin name) Genitive Case Ending English Name or Description Abbreviation Approximate position: $\alpha (h)$ Approximate Position: $\delta (^{\circ})$  
Andromeda Andromedae Princess of Ethiopia And 1 +40  
Antila Antilae Air pump Ant 10 -35  
Apus Apodis Bird of Paradise Aps 16 -75  
Aquarius Aquarii Water bearer Aqr 23 -15  
Aquila Aquilae Eagle Aql 20 +5  
Ara Arae Altar Ara 17 -55  
Aries Arietis Ram Ari 3 +20  
Auriga Aurigae Charioteer Aur 6 +40  
Bootes Bootis Herdsman Boo 15 +30  
Caelum Cael Graving tool Cae 5 -40  
Camelopardus Camelopardis Giraffe Cam 6 +70  
Cancer Cancri Crab Cnc 9 +20  
Canes Venatici Canum Venaticorum Hunting dogs CVn 13 +40  
Canis Major Canis Majoris Big dog CMa 7 -20  
Canis Minor Canis Minoris Little dog CMi 8 +5  
Capricornus Capricorni Sea goat Cap 21 -20  
Carina1 Carinae Keel of Argonauts' ship Car 9 -60  
Cassiopeia Cassiopeiae Queen of Ethiopia Cas 1 +60  
Centaurus Centauri Centaur Cen 13 -50  
Cepheus Cephei King of Ethiopia Cep 22 +70  
Cetus Ceti Sea monster (whale) Cet 2 -10  
Chamaeleon Chamaeleontis Chameleon Cha 11 -80  
Circinus Circini Compasses Cir 15 -60  
Columba Columbae Dove Col 6 -35  
Coma Berenices Comae Berenices Berenice's hair Com 13 +20  
Corona Australis Coronae Australis Southern crown CrA 19 -40  
Corona Borealis Coronae Borealis Northern crown CrB 16 +30  
Corvus Corvi Crow Crv 12 -20  
Crater Crateris Cup Crt 11 -15  
Crux Crucis Cross (southern) Cru 12 -60  
Cygnus Cygni Swan Cyg 21 +40  
Delphinus Delphini Porpoise Del 21 +10  
Dorado Doradus Swordfish Dor 5 -65  
Draco Draconis Dragon Dra 17 +65  
Equuleus Equulei Little horse Equ 21 +10  
Eridanus Eridani River Eri 3 -20  
Fornax Fornacis Furnace For 3 -30  
Gemini Geminorum Twins Gem 7 +20  
Grus Gruis Crane Gru 22 -45  
Hercules Herculis Hercules, son of Zeus Her 17 +30  
Horologium Horologii Clock Hor 3 -60  
Hydra Hydrae Sea serpent Hya 10 -20  
Hydrus Hydri Water snake Hyi 2 -75  
Indus Indi Indian Ind 21 -55  
Lacerta Lacertae Lizard Lac 22 +45  
Leo Leonis Lion Leo 11 +15  
Leo Minor Leonis Minoris Little lion LMi 10 +35  
Lepus Leporis Hare Lep 6 -20  
Libra Librae Balance Lib 15 -15  
Lupus Lupi Wolf Lup 15 -45  
Lynx Lyncis Lynx Lyn 8 +45  
Lyra Lyrae Lyre or harp Lyr 19 +40  
Mensa Mensae Table Mountain Men 5 -80  
Microscopium Microscopii Microscope Mic 21 -35  
Monoceros Monocerotis Unicorn Mon 7 -5  
Musca Muscae Fly Mus 12 -70  
Norma Normae Carpenter's level Nor 16 -50  
Octans Octantis Octant Oct 22 -85  
Ophiuchus Ophiuchi Holder of serpent Oph 17 0  
Orion Orionis Orion, the hunter Ori 5 +5  
Pavo Pavonis Peacock Pav 20 -65  
Pegasus Pegasi Pegasus, the winged horse Peg 22 +20  
Perseus Persei Perseus, hero who saved Andromeda Per 3 +45  
Phoenix Phoenicis Phoenix Phe 1 -50  
Pictor Pictoris Easel Pic 6 -55  
Pisces Piscium Fishes Psc 1 +15  
Piscis Austrinus Piscis Austrini Southern fish PsA 22 -30  
Puppis2 Puppis Stern of the Argonauts' ship Pup 8 -40  
Pyxis3 (=Malus) Pyxidus Compass of the Argonauts' ship Pyx 9 -30  
Reticulum Reticuli Net Ret 4 -60  
Sagitta Sagittae Arrow Sge 20 +10  
Sagittarius Sagittarii Archer Sgr 19 -25  
Scorpius Scorpii Scorpion Sco 17 -40  
Sculptor Sculptoris Sculptor's tools Scl 0 -30  
Scutum Scuti Shield Sct 19 -10  
Serpens Serpentis Serpent Ser 17 0  
Sextans Sextantis Sextant Sex 10 0  
Taurus Tauri Bull Tau 4 +15  
Telescopium Telescopii Telescope Tel 19 -50  
Triangulum Trianguli Triangle Tri 2 +30  
Triangulum Australe Trianguli Australis Southern triangle TrA 16 -65  
Tucana Tucanae Toucan Tuc 0 -65  
Ursa Major Ursae Majoris Big bear UMa 11 +50  
Ursa Minor Ursae Minoris Little bear UMi 15 +70  
Vela4 Velorum Sail of the Argonauts' ship Vel 9 -50  
Virgo Virginis Virgin Vir 13 0  
Volans Volantis Flying fish Vol 8 -70  
Vulpecula Vulpeculae Fox Vul 20 +25  

This article is a derivative work of the creative commons share alike with attribution in [1].


[1] Fraknoi, Andrew, David Morrison, and Sidney Wolff. The Sky Above. In Astronomy 2e. Houston, Texas : OpenStax, 2022. The Sky Above

"Constellations" is owned by bloftin.

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Physics Classification95.10.-a (Fundamental astronomy)

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