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superfields (Definition)

Metric superfields

In general, superfields are physically understood as quantized gravity fields that admit a highly reducible representation of a supersymmetry algebra. The problem of specifying a supergravity theory can be then defined as a search for those representations that allow the construction of consistent local actions, perhaps considered as either quantum group, or quantum groupoid, actions. Extending quantum symmetries to include quantized gravity fields–specified as `superfields'– is called supersymmetry in quantum gravity theories. A first approach to supersymmetry relied on a curved `superspace' (Wess and Bagger,1983 [2]) and is analogous to supersymmetric gauge theories (see, for example, sections 27.1 to 27.3 of Weinberg, 1995).

Metric superfield

Because in supergravity both spinor and tensor fields are being considered, The Gravitational Fields are represented in terms of tetrads, $e^a_\mu(x),$ rather than in terms of Einstein's general relativistic metric $g_{\mu \nu}(x)$. The connections between these two distinct representations are as follows:

$\displaystyle g_{\mu\nu}(x) = \eta_{ab}~ e^a_\mu (x)e^b_\gamma(x)~,$ (0.1)

with the general coordinates being indexed by $\mu,\nu,$ etc., whereas local coordinates that are being defined in a locally inertial coordinate system are labeled with superscripts a, b, etc.; $\eta_{ab}$ is the diagonal matrix with elements +1, +1, +1 and -1. The tetrads are invariant to two distinct types of symmetry transformations–the local Lorentz transformations:

$\displaystyle e^a_\mu (x)\longmapsto \Lambda^a_b (x) e^b_\mu (x)~,$ (0.2)
(where $\Lambda^a_b$ is an arbitrary real matrix), and the general coordinate transformations:
$\displaystyle x^\mu \longmapsto (x')^\mu(x) ~.$ (0.3)
In a weak gravitational field the tetrad may be represented as:
$\displaystyle e^a_\mu (x)=\delta^a_\mu(x)+ 2\kappa \Phi^a_\mu (x)~,$ (0.4)
where $\Phi^a_\mu(x)$ is small compared with $\delta^a_\mu(x)$ for all $x$ values, and $\kappa= \surd 8\pi G$, where G is Newton's gravitational constant. As it will be discussed next, the supersymmetry algebra (SA) implies that the graviton has a fermionic superpartner, the hypothetical `gravitino', with helicities $\pm$ 3/2. Such a self-charge-conjugate massless particle as the `gravitiono' with helicities $\pm$ 3/2 can only have low-energy interactions if it is represented by a Majorana field $\psi _\mu(x)$ which is invariant under the gauge transformations:
$\displaystyle \psi _\mu(x)\longmapsto \psi _\mu(x)+\delta _\mu \psi(x) ~,$ (0.5)

with $\psi(x)$ being an arbitrary Majorana field as defined by Grisaru and Pendleton (1977). The tetrad field $\Phi _{\mu \nu}(x)$ and the graviton field $\psi _\mu(x)$ are then incorporated into a term $H_\mu (x,\theta)$ defined as the metric superfield. The relationships between $\Phi _{\mu _ \nu}(x)$ and $\psi _\mu(x)$, on the one hand, and the components of the metric superfield $H_\mu (x,\theta)$, on the other hand, can be derived from the transformations of the whole metric superfield:

$\displaystyle H_\mu (x,\theta)\longmapsto H_\mu (x,\theta)+ \Delta _\mu (x,\theta)~,$ (0.6)
by making the simplifying– and physically realistic– assumption of a weak gravitational field (further details can be found, for example, in Ch.31 of vol.3. of Weinberg, 1995). The interactions of the entire superfield $H_\mu (x)$ with matter would be then described by considering how a weak gravitational field, $h_{\mu_\nu}$ interacts with an energy-momentum tensor $T^{\mu \nu}$ represented as a linear combination of components of a real vector superfield $\Theta^\mu$. Such interaction terms would, therefore, have the form:
$\displaystyle I_{\mathcal M}= 2\kappa \int dx^4 [H_\mu \Theta^\mu]_D ~,$ (0.7)
( $\mathcal M$ denotes `matter') integrated over a four-dimensional (Minkowski) spacetime with the metric defined by the superfield $H_\mu (x,\theta)$. The term $\Theta^\mu$, as defined above, is physically a supercurrent and satisfies the conservation conditions:
$\displaystyle \gamma^\mu \mathbf{D} \Theta _\mu = \mathbf{D} ~,$ (0.8)
where $\mathbf{D}$ is the four-component super-derivative and $X$ denotes a real chiral scalar superfield. This leads immediately to the calculation of the interactions of matter with a weak gravitational field as:
$\displaystyle I_{\mathcal M} = \kappa \int d^4 x T^{\mu \nu}(x)h_{\mu \nu}(x) ~,$ (0.9)
It is interesting to note that the gravitational actions for the superfield that are invariant under the generalized gauge transformations $H_\mu \longmapsto H _\mu + \Delta _\mu$ lead to solutions of the Einstein field equations for a homogeneous, non-zero vacuum energy density $\rho _V$ that correspond to either a de Sitter space for $\rho _V>0$, or an anti-de Sitter space for $\rho _V <0$. Such spaces can be represented in terms of the hypersurface equation
$\displaystyle x^2_5 \pm \eta _{\mu,\nu} x^\mu x^\nu = R^2 ~,$ (0.10)
in a quasi-Euclidean five-dimensional space with the metric specified as:
$\displaystyle ds^2 = \eta _{\mu,\nu} x^\mu x^\nu \pm dx^2_5 ~,$ (0.11)
with '$+$' for de Sitter space and '$-$' for anti-de Sitter space, respectively.


S. Weinberg.: The Quantum Theory of Fields. Cambridge, New York and Madrid: Cambridge University Press, Vols. 1 to 3, (1995–2000).
J. Wess and J. Bagger: Supersymmetry and Supergravity, Princeton University Press, (1983).

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Also defines:  metric superfields, anti-de Sitter space, tetrads, reducible representation, supersymmetry superalgebra, Hamiltonian algebroid, supersymmetric gauge theories, weak-field linear metric superfields, spinor fields, tensor fields
Keywords:  metric superfields, quantized gravity fields

Cross-references: energy, scalar, spacetime, vector, energy-momentum tensor, graviton, Lorentz transformations, types, matrix, system, metric, Einstein's, The Gravitational Fields, spinor, sections, superspace, quantum gravity theories, quantum symmetries, quantum groupoid, quantum group, representations, supergravity, supersymmetry, fields
There are 19 references to this object.

This is version 4 of superfields, born on 2009-05-09, modified 2009-05-09.
Object id is 740, canonical name is Superfields2.
Accessed 2009 times total.

Physics Classification02. (Mathematical methods in physics)
 03. (Quantum mechanics, field theories, and special relativity )
 03.65.Fd (Algebraic methods )

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