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examples of periodic functions
We list common periodic functions. In the parentheses, there are given their period with least modulus.
- One-periodic functions with a real period:
sine ( ), cosine ( ), tangent ( ), cotangent ( ), secant ( ), cosecant ( ), and functions depending on them – especially the triangular-wave function ( ); the mantissa function
- One-periodic functions with an imaginary period:
exponential function ( ), hyperbolic sine ( ), hyperbolic cosine ( ), hyperbolic tangent ( ), hyperbolic cotangent ( ), and functions depending on them.
- Two-periodic functions: elliptic functions.
- Functions with infinitely many periods:
the Dirichlet's function
has any rational number as its period; a constant function has any number as its period.
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Cross-references: functions
This is version 1 of examples of periodic functions, born on 2009-04-18.
Object id is 652, canonical name is ExamplesOfPeriodicFunctions.
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