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quantum categories
Remark 0.2 A physical mathematics definition of quantum category has also been reported as a rigid monoidal category, or its equivalents.
- 1
- Butterfield, J. and C. J. Isham: 2001, Space-time and the philosophical challenges of quantum gravity., in C. Callender and N. Hugget (eds. ) Physics Meets Philosophy at the Planck scale., Cambridge University Press,pp.33–89.
- 2
- Baianu, I.C.: 1971a, Categories, Functors and Quantum Algebraic Computations, in P. Suppes (ed.), Proceed. Fourth Intl. Congress Logic-Mathematics-Philosophy of Science, September 1–4, 1971, the University of Bucharest.
- 3
- Butterfield, J. and C. J. Isham: 1998, 1999, 2000–2002, A topos perspective on the Kochen–Specker theorem I - IV, Int. J. Theor. Phys, 37 No 11., 2669–2733 38 No 3., 827–859, 39 No 6., 1413–1436, 41 No 4., 613–639.
"quantum categories" is owned by bci1.
See Also: category theory
Other names: |
quantum topos |
Also defines: |
quantum category, Q(gpd), quantum topos, quantum groupoid homomorphism, rigid monoidal category, generalized quantum topoi, braided monoidal category |
Keywords: |
quantum categories, braided monoidal categories |
Cross-references: physical mathematics, functor category, groupoid category, ETAC axioms, category of quantum groupoids, non-Abelian
There are 13 references to this object.
This is version 6 of quantum categories, born on 2009-02-17, modified 2009-02-26.
Object id is 536, canonical name is QuantumCategories.
Accessed 2078 times total.
Pending Errata and Addenda